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Duties of club officers

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Wed, Nov 24 2021 1:54 AM (16 replies)
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  • LouisPeter0
    713 Posts
    Fri, Feb 9 2018 8:03 PM

    I assume the duties of club officers can range from nothing to very extensive. Are suggested duties set down anywhere for reference? 

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Fri, Feb 9 2018 8:24 PM

    I've not seen or read anything set forth in an official capacity, by wgt.    Most club owners will set their own expectations and criteria.   Club owners can select the clubs officers as they see fit. 

  • borntobesting
    9,739 Posts
    Fri, Feb 9 2018 8:35 PM

    Not sure what the owners tools allow owners to delegate to directors but in our CC we have 2 things we can do. Invite players to join the CC And send e-mails to members. 

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Feb 9 2018 8:39 PM

    Most club owners will set their own expectations and criteria.   Club owners can select the clubs officers as they see fit. 

    There are a few tasks / privileges to be transferred to Directors / any member group by a table in the official "owner's tools". These include messaging members or inviting new members, access to the CC status messages and touching the CC tourneys or custom courses. To delete members or the whole CC stays an owner's privilege.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Fri, Feb 9 2018 8:43 PM

    Owners can do as you said, also they can delegate who may use the superpasses, set and make the tourneys.  As well as set the rankings of the membership.  (Member, veteran, etc) 

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Feb 9 2018 9:45 PM

    Superpasses - thanks for the addition! Alas, I don't think that "set the rankings" can be delegated.

    Quoting from my own owner's tools, the options include possible permissions
    (for any of the member ranks (called "title"):

    Use Super Passes
    Create Tournaments
    Publish Tournaments with Custom Courses
    Manage Custom Courses
    Update Club Messages
    Email All Members
    Invite New Members

    They don't include
    - to confirm members who applied by themselves,
    - to set membership titles.

    BTW: The only outstanding characteristic of "Directors" is their limited number, corresponding to CC levels.

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Sat, Feb 10 2018 12:20 AM


    Owners can do as you said, also they can delegate who may use the superpasses, set and make the tourneys.  As well as set the rankings of the membership.  (Member, veteran, etc) 

    I was speaking as to what an owner can can and cannot do' , you are correct that a director cannot. 

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Feb 10 2018 12:33 AM

    I was in doubt as to how far "delegate" would reach in your text - /methinks that we clarified it thoroughly now.


  • fireman33
    2,692 Posts
    Sat, Feb 10 2018 6:38 AM

    Several ideas for the directors to help the owner of the club...

    1. Tournament director.  Oversees all tournaments set by the club to adhere to any rules set by the club for setting up tournaments. 

    2. IT director. He will have computer knowledge and keep the club advised of changing items. Communication  finding ways to talk instead of type and introducing  them to the club

    3. Club relations director

    4. Tail twister keep things hopping in the club

    5. Planning committee  to help plan events to keep the club from getting stale

    Just a few things we do to keep it fresh


  • LouisPeter0
    713 Posts
    Sat, Feb 10 2018 7:49 PM

    Thank you all for your replies. 

    I'm a little frustrated with my club because they are an older club and seem to be stuck in a very low level of activity. There do seem to be a couple of members who play in the Turf Wars and Clashes but that's about it. Club tournaments are rarely, if ever, participated in by anyone other than the person who creates them--and those themselves are rare.  Other than that, there doesn't seem to be much going on at all. 

    Recruiting seemed like it was going nowhere so I requested permission to invite new members. I got no reply, so, assuming more members was a good thing, I forged ahead and in about two months signed up about 40 new members, taking the club membership roster from about 90 to about 130. I sent personal messages to the new members and posted greetings and hopefully helpful information on their walls. After a while I stopped doing that because I thought that should more properly be done by one of the club officers.

    I sent several private messages and posted to the walls of the owner (never responded), director #1 (never responded), and director #2, who responded after about a week with a public post in mobile chat that he did not have the first clue what I was talking about, and if I had an issue, why didn't I raise it publicly in mobile chat? 

    I think part of the problem is the owner and directors know each other and play golf together IRL which may affect the way they view the on-line club. Perhaps they don't think the on-line club needs or deserves much attention. I'm not sure because they won't engage and tell me what they're thinking or what their plans are for the future. 

    I realize the simple solution is to merely join another club. I guess I will before too much longer. 

    Thank you again for your insight. 

    All the best and see you on the links.

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