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Re: Iron shots on downhill and uphill?

Fri, May 11 2018 1:06 AM (18 replies)
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  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2018 1:57 PM

    There’s this one hole, always put my ball in the water, because the elevation is not what it seems

    Which hole? Would be interesting to see how you're thinking.

  • SlickHunter
    1,034 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2018 3:19 PM


    There’s this one hole, always put my ball in the water, because the elevation is not what it seems

    Which hole? Would be interesting to see how you're thinking.

    Can’t remember which hole. It has a very low elevation on Flag approach, reason I always came up short, and ended up in a water. The water is on the left side, and my opponent also pointed it out..he lost few balls as well. I will post which hole when come across it, next time I play.

  • SeveFrost
    1,615 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 2:55 AM

    downhill shots i always deduct a third of the drop from the shot distance. that works almost every time

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 4:06 AM

    These uphill/downhill approach shots for particular holes is a good reason to have some kind of note system. Trying to remember which holes play "long" or "short" boggles my old mind. I use notes to even tell me which club to use off the tee on holes like Erin Hills  #9.

  • TopShelf2010
    10,968 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 5:01 AM


  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 10:01 AM

    Also there are some holes where every thing you think you know about hitting to an elevated green goes out the window. Like # 4 @ BPB with the front pin. I think I’ve hit that green with that pin and stayed on 2 or 3 times  in almost 9 years. Even the irons with the highest trajectory and highest spin rate come in so flat that it is almost impossible to stop the ball. The back pin isn’t quite so bad but we rarely get that pin.


  • Mythanatos
    2,216 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 10:29 AM


    There’s this one hole, always put my ball in the water, because the elevation is not what it seems

    Which hole? Would be interesting to see how you're thinking.

    my bet would be that he's talking about Congo 18.

    not going to get into all the nuances of hedging or adding a few yards here or there etc, but  my opinion is that a better starting spot is to divide by 4 not 3 on downhill shots. 

    For small de-elevations it's not a big enough difference to notice. but it starts to become apparent on 30feet + drop offs.

    can really see the difference the divider makes on those 2 par 3s on Chambers bay.

    The caveat being it's what works better for me. 

  • Lgdatsme2
    2 Posts
    Thu, May 10 2018 3:42 PM

    Seems that inevitably the wind is a major factor with the 2 par 3 holes on Chambers Bay. I have not been able to figure the wind at 30mph. I know to figure 60% more distance into the wind. I have been trying to subtract 30% with the wind but it is not working. SO my question is how do I play the shots hitting with the wind.                                     

  • SeveFrost
    1,615 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2018 1:06 AM

    Lg, with headwind and tailwind i add or subtract a yard for every 2mph of wind


    So hitting to a green 190 yards away in to a 20mph headwind i'll hit 200 yards. With a tailwind i'll hit 180 yards. give that a try

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