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Re: Daily Motivation

Fri, Jun 28 2024 8:51 AM (2,004 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    22,818 Posts
    Mon, Jun 24 2024 11:18 AM

    Monday, June 24, 2024

    Active appreciation

    Take something for granted and you diminish its value. Take it for granted long enough and you could lose it altogether.

    That’s because whatever you take for granted, you fail to make use of. Your inattention leaves it to crumble into disrepair.

    But that doesn’t have to happen. Because you can make it your business to appreciate.

    Appreciation illuminates and gives you access to existing value. Your appreciation informs, inspires and encourages you to build on that value.

    Replace resentment and apathy with gratitude and active appreciation. Connect with the boundless abundance that already exists.

    Think of all you can appreciate, and act on those thoughts. Continually rediscover and give your energy to the good that exists in your world and in your life.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,818 Posts
    Tue, Jun 25 2024 9:10 AM

    Tuesday, June 25, 2024

    Time to ripen

    Sometimes you can create results very quickly. Many times, though, you must have some patience.

    Flowers won’t bloom any faster than flowers bloom, no matter how aggressively you work at it. Indeed, giving them too much attention and handling can actually damage them and prevent them from blooming.

    The same is true for all sorts of endeavors. You have to be ambitious and diligent about doing the work, and patient about getting the results.

    But that’s really not such a bad thing. Because the longer you must wait, the more you value and appreciate whatever you’re waiting for.

    Patience is not merely being idle and dispassionate. Rather, it’s an understanding and acceptance of the fact that good things can take time to fully emerge.

    Give the desired results in your life the time they require, the time they deserve, the time that brings meaning and richness. Do swiftly and eagerly what you must do, and go forward with patience as the fruits of your labor take time to ripen.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,818 Posts
    Wed, Jun 26 2024 9:06 AM

    Wednesday, June 26, 2024

    Quickly recover

    You had the best of intentions, and even got off to a great start. Then you were hit with a totally unexpected disruption.

    You can’t turn back the clock and prevent it from happening. Anger, resentment, complaints and self pity might feel appropriate, but they’re not going to improve your situation.

    That’s up to you. Fortunately, you’re fully capable and well positioned to do it.

    Make it your purpose to quickly recover. No, you certainly didn’t want to have to do so, but now it’s your best way forward.

    Accept what’s happened, start with what you have, what you’re left with, and take a positive, productive step. Feel the power of your own intention, the effectiveness of your own action, and keep that feeling going.

    You got started, you got ambushed by life, but now you can be right back at it. Make that choice because it’s your best one, and discover how you can prevail no matter what.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,818 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2024 7:04 AM

    Thursday, June 27, 2024

    What you allow

    If you allow anything to hold you back it will hold you back. Whatever you allow to push you forward will push you forward.

    There are many factors, circumstances and influences flowing through your life. Whether each one is a liability or an asset is to a large degree up to you.

    Great disappointments and tragedies can arise out of seemingly perfect situations. And magnificent achievements can come from desperate, seemingly hopeless conditions, based on what you allow to get to you.

    What matters most is not usually the nature of your situation. What makes a crucial difference is what you take from it and what you do with it.

    Even in places and pursuits where others may have failed, you have the opportunity to succeed. Even those factors that may have held others back can be your motivation to move forward.

    Many things may seem inevitable, and yet most things are really not. No matter what life may send your way, look for how you can use it in a positive, productive and valuable manner.


    — Ralph Marston

  • Ladychipper
    22,818 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2024 8:51 AM

    Friday, June 28, 2024

    Your potential

    You have plenty of unrealized potential. Whenever you choose, you can transform good things that could be into good things that are.

    There is great abundance in this universe. Each day is a fresh new opportunity to harvest and express that abundance in specific, meaningful ways that will enrich all of life.

    Yes, it can be done and you can be the person who does it. Yes, it will take significant effort and you are able to make that effort.

    You’ve already proven how capable you are by navigating your way through life’s many and varied challenges up to this point. Now, use that same power to take on new challenges and to create new value.

    Whatever you have already achieved, you owe yourself the splendid, satisfying experience of working to achieve even more. Your unrealized potential has been waiting long enough, so jump forward and bring it to life.

    Throw away all the excuses, step beyond your doubts and hesitations, and go for it. Feel the great treasure that’s already so very close, and make it real.


    — Ralph Marston