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Re: Daily Motivation

Mon, Oct 7 2024 11:28 AM (2,070 replies)
  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Mon, Jul 8 2024 12:34 PM

    Monday, July 8, 2024

    Love of living

    Live for the love of living. Love for the joy of loving.

    Listen, watch, taste, feel, and know you’re a crucial part of all you experience. Give because giving is who you are and what you do.

    Dance to the music of the wind that flows through all existence. See that reality itself is the ultimate magic.

    Harvest golden sunlight, plunge into the deep blue ocean. Soar above the misty morning on sturdy wings of thankfulness.

    Embrace the contradictions, explore the mysteries. Treasure the countless factors that enrich your existence.

    Look in every direction with eyes full of love, appreciation, and thirst for new adventure. Share, expand, and improve upon the best you’re able to see.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Tue, Jul 9 2024 8:28 AM

    Tuesday, July 9, 2024

    Go out and do

    Life’s energy does not come from talking, wishing, speculating about life’s energy. Life gains its energy from action.

    Get up, get active, go out and do. If your muscles do not ache at the end of the day, you have neglected many opportunities for richness.

    Connect with the reality of hot and cold, of soft and hard, of distance, depth, and steepness. Challenge yourself to navigate through the rugged terrain of what is true and solid, nourishing and fulfilling.

    You are capable of so much more than merely absorbing comfort and pleasant entertainment. Choose to be an active participant in the wonder of existence.

    Feel your strength increasing as you negotiate the difficult trade-offs. Act to create rich experiences that add lasting value to your life.

    Honor and fulfill the potential that’s been coming your way since before you were born. Go out and do all the good you can do in this real and beautiful world.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Wed, Jul 10 2024 9:21 AM

    Wednesday, July 10, 2024

    Magnificent feast

    Those who live in a beautiful and competent world are those who invest themselves in beauty and competence. Those who live in an ugly and dysfunctional world are those who fail to make that investment.

    Effort, care, love, generosity, and understanding are difficult, but they are not burdens. They are opportunities to improve the quality of life.

    Beauty cannot exist without someone to appreciate it, support it, care for it, share it, and advance its desirability. Living to do so adds immense quality to the experience of life.

    Beauty advances life and life advances beauty. There is no limit to the heights that such a collaboration can attain.

    Do what is good and right and elegant and beautiful, for the sake of itself. Instead of fighting over meager scraps, do the work to bring forth a magnificent feast.

    Time, resources, energies, and genuine yearnings are there. With your commitment and with growing strength, fulfill them in beautiful, creative ways.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Thu, Jul 11 2024 9:02 AM

    Thursday, July 11, 2024

    Ready to go

    Rather than sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike, get yourself going and let inspiration find you already in action. Instead of killing time until you feel ready, simply declare that you are ready.

    After all, your willingness to get started is mostly in your mind. And you can change your mind as quickly as you wish, anytime you wish.

    Remind yourself that you are ready and willing, right now, here in this place, with everything just the way it is. You are eager to make good things happen, so go ahead and act on that eagerness.

    Right ahead in your foreseeable future is the satisfaction of solving a difficult problem, or creating something new and valuable. And here you are, ready and willing to go.

    Today promises to be a truly outstanding day because you are committed to make it so. The future looks bright because you are all set to do whatever it takes to make that future shine.

    All because you’ve chosen to be, you are as ready for action as anyone can possibly be. Take a deep breath, fill your awareness with the possibilities, and go make great things happen, now.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Fri, Jul 12 2024 9:19 AM

    Friday, July 12, 2024

    A better there

    There are probably good options you have not considered. Look for them, work to bring them to the surface of your awareness.

    The easiest, most obvious paths are blocked. With some time, effort, honesty and creativity, you can discover others.

    When you find yourself in a difficult situation, remember this. Plenty of people from circumstances far more challenging have gone on to achieve great things.

    Life can be hard to handle. Yet you have what it takes to live your life well.

    Realize you are in a sacred place that’s filled with pure potential. Honor and fulfill that potential by making the commitment to do so, and by following through.

    From here to a better there involves much work. Fortunately you’re good at it, and it’s the best thing you can do.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Tue, Jul 16 2024 9:04 AM

    Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    Definitely now

    For the precious and unique life you are destined to live, consigning it to maybe someday is not good enough. Rather than maybe someday, definitely now is the time to move your life, your world, your hopes and values forward.

    Every day comes packed with promise and possibility. That absolutely includes this very day in which you can now take decisive action.

    Your amazing potential begs you to do precisely that. This is where, now is when.

    Here is the moment to fully recognize the depth of opportunity that permeates your world. Here is your moment to do something with it.

    Someday is merely a pleasant concept, nothing more. Yet now is a rich and solid reality, brimming with possibility, immediately available for action.

    Take that action, live your life. Do it definitely now.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Wed, Jul 17 2024 12:11 PM

    Wednesday, July 17, 2024

    Your next choice

    The quality of your life is determined by all choices large and small. Keep that in mind as you choose well, for every choice matters.

    Choose excellence over convenience. Choose reliability over opulence.

    Choose beauty over expediency. Choose enduring connections over momentary transactions.

    Choose truth over ease. Choose authenticity over appearance.

    Make the kinds of choices that bring real value now, and later, for you, and for all around you. Make the choices that enable you to avoid regret and to experience fulfillment.

    Your next choice is a turning point. Get clear right now about which direction you are committed to always turn.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Thu, Jul 18 2024 9:09 AM

    Thursday, July 18, 2024

    Rise joyfully

    Stay away from those who promise to make things easy for you. Seek out those who respect you enough to challenge you.

    Avoid consenting to offers of something for nothing. Such situations always leave you with less than nothing.

    Be willing to pay the price that a life of quality and fulfillment demands. For precisely in that price is where the desired reward resides.

    Being rich is not a matter of how much you have. The experience of true richness is commensurate with how little you need.

    Take the time and open yourself to behold the massive extent and value of all that is, of all you’re connected to. The totality of existence is here now, with you, in you, around you, through you.

    Sense the energy and the miracle of what you’re participating in. For your sake, for everyone’s sake, rise joyfully to the magnificent occasion of today.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Fri, Jul 19 2024 8:58 AM

    Friday, July 19, 2024

    Realm of reality

    Reality is often not easy to accept. But it is ultimately easier for you, and better for you, to accept reality than to deny it.

    Because reality always wins. You also can win within the confines and conditions of reality, but you cannot win apart from it.

    Reality is the domain where you can get good things done. Reality does have its challenges, and by pushing through those challenges you create new value.

    Acknowledge the difference between how you wish the world could be and how it actually is. By doing so, you can spot opportunities for moving toward desirable outcomes.

    Look clearly, honestly, courageously at what is. Let all you see inform you and inspire you as you work toward your ideals for what can be.

    Give accuracy to your perceptions and effectiveness to your actions. Keep yourself firmly anchored in the realm of reality.


    — Ralph Marston


  • Ladychipper
    23,006 Posts
    Mon, Jul 22 2024 12:08 PM

    Monday, July 22, 2024

    Power to adapt

    All sorts of factors in your life and in your world keep changing from day to day, moment to moment. That can be a big problem for you, or it can be a great opportunity.

    You have the power to adapt to changing conditions. Make use of that power, and get the inevitable changes to work in your favor.

    A few hours from now, or next week, or the entire future, they’re all moving targets. The most carefully laid plans can become useless and outdated overnight.

    Yet that’s no reason to give up on your goals. On the contrary, it’s an opportunity to deploy your power to adapt.

    It might actually be that a changing situation offers even better possibilities than what existed before. Position yourself to fulfill the best of those possibilities by adapting to the changes.

    When your world changes, you could become immobilized with worry, you could waste time and energy complaining, or you can adapt. Let your power to adapt kick in, and be your best in an ever-changing world.


    — Ralph Marston