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Re: Question

Wed, Jun 20 2018 1:15 PM (63 replies)
  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Tue, Jun 19 2018 8:26 PM


    From ample experience in biased online discussions, I am quite strict in this subject:

    - to state an opinion as a fact, without proof, is a lie to me.

    - to state an accusing "fact" without having proof is a lie to me. You can't hide behind "error" when it amounts to mobbing!

    Well, if one is going to create his own definitions, by all means, have at it. And even if you're the only one who believes the definition to be correct... well, you go! I mean, one should never allow facts to get in the way of a strongly opinion. 

    Now, back to the show! 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2018 4:00 AM
    @Dazza: "Innocent until proof" is valid in all cases, except witch trials. And, how should anybody show his innocence while he's gagged, and if he isn't told the charges?

    It depends who we're talking about here but there was a thread where Woodoworkery was giving Tasor's version of what he was accused of and how innocent he was, and I think he even published an e-mail Tasor had sent him. The thread was deleted so apologies to all concerned if any of that is wrong as I can't check.

    Any sympathy I may have had for the accusations toward the op, ok not much, are further tempered by the fact that this whole thread is based on a cheap shot not a question.

    "Do you have to have fiber optics in order to stream WGT?

    I know I stream and I don't have fiber optics,"

    That said I am looking forward to watching your single play rounds in the VUSO live, it could be one of the biggest audiences ever for someone playing wgt.
  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2018 12:54 PM

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dodgy, don't bring me back into this. I started this thread, as a question, and question only. 

    I am minding my own business. I cant remember that far back, but I do know nobody has my email.

    Once again though you guys have derailed a thread, to bring back an old arguement, so I am asking you please keep me out of it. I have lost so many friends over that poop that it's not funny, and no matter what I do, show, or anything the mark will never leave me. 

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Wed, Jun 20 2018 1:15 PM
    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Dodgy, don't bring me back into this. I started this thread, as a question, and question only. 

    How can that be a real question, as in one to someone else, when you give a definitive answer in the next line?

    "Do you have to have fiber optics in order to stream WGT?

    I know I stream and I don't have fiber optics,"