Make your mind up, you ding it all the time but have a dogshit meter?
Doesn't make sense, does it?
No I don't come close to dinging every shot. When meter is smooth I probably ding about 75% of shots but lately it's more like 40-50. My point being there was a huge disparity in the shots I dinged on that green with the same exact wind. I actually had that same wind about 8 times in the last 2 days but those were the only 3 shots that I dinged.
I do understand that you're hitting 3wood into #3 and anything can happen. So here's another illustration with a PW which should be deadly in moderate winds. RSG #1 12 tailwind at 1oclock from 123. Had this shot and dinged it twice with variables exactly the same. 1/2 backspin 120 on meter expecting to be about 8 feet behind pin but giving myself a chance to hole it out. First dinged shot flies 115 yds and stopped dead. Second flew 128 and rolled to 130. Same conditions, same shot, 45 ft circle between the 2 with a PW. That just seems a bit excessive to me with a scoring club. Almost as big of a deviation as the 3 wood.
Icon I understand your logic but hear me out. A graduated scale where deviations are more substantial with long clubs like driver. 6 radius in feet for wedges, 7 for 9 iron, 8 for 8 iron and so on. Wedge would have possible deviation of 12 feet. Pros don't often pure a wedge shot and end up farther than 12 feet from pin in normal conditions.
The top of line R11 driver is far too accurate in my book. As much as we bitched about the old TM driver it was probably truer to life than this R11. Very good players with old driver were hitting about 75- 80% of fairways meaning they would have 3-4 shots from rough every round. Those same players know the rough so well that they probably birdie 75% of time from rough which should be much lower in my opinion. If rough was more penal and random, those same players would find themselves scrambling for par much more than they would making birdies. With that given I think scoring could actually go up a stroke or two.
Make chipping and pitching much more random. From a 40 50 lie you shouldn't be thinking I can hole this easily as it now from green side. This would have a huge impact on scoring in my opinion.
Too many thoughts on the subject to keep going but hopefully you get my drift. I truly believe the equations I speak of would actually make scoring a tad closer to realistic, then if one day we incorporate lie into the mix we'll be closer to nailing this thing.