I'm currently thinking about transferring the CC that I started when I first started to play WGT to another neverm in the club and possibly joining up with another club.. honestly my C.C. is kinda somewhat dead. I ask almost any person that doesn't belong to one that I play heads up to join, and right now I think there's 22 members other than me. only about 5 contribute so in order to participate in clashes and all that I'm having to spend a lot of real money on this game sometimes in excess of up to $300 (USD) BIWEEKLY. Anyhow, I was really wondering what happens to the shot pal and all the benefits gained from being in a C.C. does everything go back to normal and then have to buy that stuff?
Also just putting this out there.. if I do end up transferring my ownership to someone else in the club already, would u be able to create another club down the road?
probably won't start another one meals so if definitely would be looking to join one after a little bit of time. I would be a top participant and involved in creating tournaments if I am able to. I'm at a Master lvl and since late June of 2018, to the end of October of the same year, I've earned a total of a lil more than $19 from tournaments and whatnot. my average score is 69.10.
any help with these quisquest would be appreciated.. thanks WGT for giving my life propose once again!
-m.c (SavageShamrockS)