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what happens when I leave the C.C...

Mon, Oct 29 2018 8:40 PM (3 replies)
  • SavageShamrockS
    7 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 6:22 AM

    I'm currently thinking about transferring the CC that I started when I first started to play WGT to another neverm in the club and possibly joining up with another club.. honestly my C.C. is kinda somewhat dead. I ask almost any person that doesn't belong to one that I play heads up to join, and right now I think there's 22 members other than me. only about 5 contribute so in order to participate in clashes and all that I'm having to spend a lot of real money on this game sometimes in excess of up to $300 (USD) BIWEEKLY. Anyhow, I was really wondering what happens to the shot pal and all the benefits gained from being in a C.C. does everything go back to normal and then have to buy that stuff?


    Also just putting this out there..  if I do end up transferring my ownership to someone else in the club already, would u be able to create another club down the road? 


    probably won't start another one meals so if definitely would be looking to join one after a little bit of time. I would be a top participant and involved in creating tournaments if I am able to. I'm at a Master lvl and since late June of 2018, to the end of October of the same year, I've earned a total of a lil more than $19 from tournaments and whatnot. my average score is 69.10.


    any help with these quisquest would be appreciated.. thanks WGT for giving my life propose once again!


    -m.c (SavageShamrockS)

  • WillieSinkit
    1,757 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 10:06 AM


     I'm having to spend a lot of real money on this game sometimes in excess of up to $300 (USD) BIWEEKLY. 


    Why not set up some tourneys within your Country Club and offer just some of that $300 as prize money.

    You'll have a full and very active club in no time at all.

    Good luck.



  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 3:21 PM

    I was really wondering what happens to the shot pal and all the benefits gained from being in a C.C. does everything go back to normal and then have to buy that stuff?
    CC benefits are bound to CC levels. They disappear for a leaving member, or for ex-members after closure of the CC. Non-members have to buy them or have no access.

    if I do end up transferring my ownership to someone else in the club already, would u be able to create another club down the road? 
    I suppose that you may be able to open a new CC once you left or eliminated the old one.

    What else would you like to know (concerning the game)?

  • fireman33
    2,692 Posts
    Mon, Oct 29 2018 8:40 PM

    forget about the clashes and spend the time and money on your club. If you are spending money on passes for your club you would be better off having tournaments inside your cc using that money for prizes to your players. When playing the clash just play the free passes and have fun. I would rather my players spend their money on learning to play the game better or better equipment

    just my 2 cents