jstkeith: One of the main reasons for joining a country club is having a place where like minded members can find playing partners who are not judgemental and enjoy the company of others. By starting your own club while you are at a low tier and level, you have taken away a prime area to help find multi-player games.
You can also get invited to multi-player games by friends. You have 13 friends. Have you tried contacting them in order to start a game? Send messages to them, perhaps giving the the times you are available to play together.
Another thing to note is that many players, myself included, do not like to subject inexperienced players to games where the green speed is so much faster than they might be used to. It is a fairness thing and has nothing to do with you personally.
As a pro you should now be able to join some random alternate shot games with less drama. Alternate shot games are probably one of the best places to get advice, meet others and have some fun. Continue to play, gain experience, and keep inviting. Things should work out.