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Re: N00b alert!

rated by 0 users
Wed, Sep 11 2019 5:07 AM (18 replies)
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  • kipdog87
    2,073 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2019 3:16 PM

    Hi i must admit i am a Pc player, all the guys have given you some very good advise, my only point would be is get the best Max clubs, ok i know that they cost a bit but they will slow your swing speed so that you ding more often, this will then help you too gauge you best shots so that you should know what is possible, i hope that this might help.


  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2019 3:45 PM

    get the best Max clubs,

    which set are you referring too?  just curious... I am sure there are several but I recall using one set of Max irons in a SOTW event and felt they were lousy... one of our lower tier players in our club was using them and I suggested they  look at the L59 Pings.  

    The meter may be great, but something else about the set I used seemed to make the precision or forgiveness as being off because they seemed to have a lot of variance.  So I would be careful until you get a confirmation on which set in particular seems to play well. 

  • ShooterGage
    68 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 8:01 AM

    Man, I thought Canadians were nice.  I was added as a friend by cougarclaw, then invited to a CC...only to be kicked the next day and unfriended.

    I guess a 24hr trial period is sufficient in this game <eyeroll>

  • mega1byte
    911 Posts
    Mon, Jul 29 2019 1:07 PM

    Lots of good advice,

    Yes a good CC will help, especially with Higher tiers willing to give advice.

    There are several good Mobile Only CC out here.Take your time and look around, there is nothing to hold you bak from joining a CC , seeing if its a good fit for you and if not find a different one.

    We run a CC that is primarily PC Members but we do have a few Mobile Players.

    You always welcome to check us out at :

    Fangorn Forest Country Club

    Have fun and enjoy



  • ShooterGage
    68 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2019 5:43 AM

    Thanks Mega!

    Anyone know what it takes to finally NOT be considered a new poster in these forums and have your posts automatically posted?  I feel like a criminal with all the background checks on each post...

  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Tue, Jul 30 2019 1:00 PM


    Thanks Mega!

    Anyone know what it takes to finally NOT be considered a new poster in these forums and have your posts automatically posted?  I feel like a criminal with all the background checks on each post...

    1.  After you reach 10,000 posts, then.........

    WGT does not have a policy posted for us to read as to moderations - except that they do it and there are some penalties for violating the T & Cs.

    After I had posted a while, I wrote on the wall of a moderator, asking nicely to be taken off moderation.  Some moderators are WGTShamwow. WGTChampion, WGTIcon.. some others.  If their username starts WGT... then they better be moderators.

    Can't say if they will do it immediately, but it happens.


  • TedYoung1
    11 Posts
    Thu, Aug 29 2019 2:47 PM

    Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I started playing golf games on the box when it was an old Atari or something. Wife and I used to stay up until we heard birds chirping and realized that we'd not yet been to bed. 

    I joined WGT back in May, but didn't do much with it until the last week or so.

    It helps that I played those rudimentary golf games so long ago, and, probably also that I was a decent ACTUAL golfer until the docs put me on oxygen 24/7, which makes it difficult to walk around the course.

    Still getting used to what can and cannot be done on the swings, especially with the starter clubs.

    I've played some matches with some great folks, and some not so great. One guy spent the whole time bitching at me that he "recognized my play" from when I was a pro on here. He would NOT be convinced otherwise. Told me to "be more honest" next time... LOL He probably bitched about me somewhere, because I've had trouble getting matches ever since.

    Drop me a line, or an invite. 

  • TedYoung1
    11 Posts
    Tue, Sep 10 2019 3:04 PM

    I love it here, but one thing is very disconcerting!

    I look for a match and a progression of people take look and see "Amateur" and decline.

    Then, when I do get a match, and if I manage to tie or even beat the "Tour Pro" on Hole 1, s/he dropped out and I'm stuck playing with myself (again)

    Are you folks so afraid of playing an Amateur?

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Wed, Sep 11 2019 5:07 AM

    Ted: For me it is not so much about being afraid but of concern for my opponent who would have to play on tournament greens (13 speed). However, I have arranged practice matches where I can set the tees and green speed. Then I try to match equipment with my opponent so that there is no unfair advantage.

    There might be other higher tier players who feel that it is not right to play amateurs using WGT's standard cross tier setup. Eventually you will progress and then matches should be easier to find. As you go about this, create a friends list with people you like and play with. This should help in getting into games.

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