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N00b alert!

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Wed, Sep 11 2019 5:07 AM (18 replies)
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  • ShooterGage
    68 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2019 2:32 PM

    Hey WGT community!  Figured I'd start out my forum career with an introduction:  I just started playing WGT this past week, and needless to say, this game is ADDICTING!  And of course...due to the mere difficulty of the game, started Googling tips on how to improve...and voila! = found this forum today.

    I've already I've blasted through a bunch of the game tip threads, and had a couple questions:

    1. What upgrade do you recommend 1st?  Ball vs iron vs wedges vs driver etc...

    2. What is the best damn way to slow down that meter?!?!?  lol

    Thanks in advance!


  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2019 4:28 PM
    Welcome to wgt ! The term "addicting " is an understatement, and this game isn't difficult, it's challenging. Your scores tell the story that you are well on your way, and finding these forums will help alot. Try using the search option on the right, just about everything and anything that has been debated thru out the games history , is there. My first piece of advice is to find an active country club. If you're playing pc, or mobile, find one where youre most comfortable in, as pc side of game plays somewhat different that the mobile side, with different game options. A really good cc will be so beneficial to your success in this game. There are a lot of great clubs on both pc, and mobile based players. A really good cc, will be really helpful in your question searching of tips, and which clubs to use, and what to upgrade to, and when. Find a club that has a really good mentoring program, as just like with the pros, they all use different equipment according to their strong points. Good luck, and hope to see you on the course some day.
  • ShooterGage
    68 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2019 4:50 PM

    Thanks for the reply, Luckystar.  I joined a random CC to see what it's all about, and the putter pal and swing pal are reasons enough that i haven't left yet.  The CC itself is not all that chatty, so I'll probably be looking to jump into a different one once I figure more stuff out about the community...

    I started this game on the mobile platform, but playing on the PC won't be out of the question, either.  I'll probably play on both platforms...but mainly be a mobile gamer

    Do you have any recommendations on CCs?

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2019 4:58 PM

    Welcome NOOb 

    1. What upgrade do you recommend 1st?  Ball vs iron vs wedges vs driver etc...

    The first thing I got a long time ago as my first new club was that Starter Gold Putter 


  • jacktrade51
    11,252 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2019 6:07 PM

    First thing I would suggest is don't be in a hurry to buy.  Playing with starter clubs and balls for a while is OK.  Learn timing, ball roll, etc.

    I joined in 2012 and the club options have been completely changed, so I don't have good advice on the lower level clubs.  But, once you want to spend some money, try before you buy.  The differences in some club specs matter.  If you can ding all the time, forgiveness not so important.  Accuracy counts.  If you're a little erratic like me, need forgiveness.

    Find a good club.  There are all sorts of them in WGT.  Some, like ours, like to help up and coming players.  Some cater to TL's and above.  But the club needs to be active.  You should be able to ask for advice in club forum and get answers.

    On specific questions:

    1. I said do not be in a hurry.  Once you get up into 20's as level, think clubs and maybe cheap upgrade on balls.  Try jump levels on clubs … find a level 20's clubs and make it last into 40's.

    2.  Quickest way to slow down meter is clubs and balls with slower meter speed.  They interact.  2.5 meter each on clubs and balls = 2.0 on balls and 3.0 on clubs.  Neither might be first priority when you are learning.


  • DoctorLarry
    4,323 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2019 10:33 PM

    I would not get in any hurry upgrading any clubs.  Get to learn the courses and play mechanics with the starters for a while.

    You will feel the urge to do the opposite, however, start upgrading clubs starting at the green and working backwards. 

    You hit the putter more than any club in the bag so get a good putter first.

    To have a chance to get close to the hole, start replacing the wedges and you will learn how to put the ball closer and closer to the hole.  You can ditch the 3H early to get a 3rd wedge. The 56 deg wedge will fit between your PW and the 60 deg and 64 deg wedges.

    You can then start with better irons, driver and 3W.

    Somewhere along the way start playing a lower-cost ball with some spin.  Don't worry about the distance at first.  You can get some spin with 10-64 credit sleeves and you will learn how to hold greens with these balls and the better irons and wedges.

    The main thing is to practice.  Some of it is very repetitive, but that is how you learn how to make shots and see how different courses and holes play.

    Others noted to get into a "good" CC.  Included in my definition of a "good" CC is not only one that is active and has a fair amount of CC tournaments, but one that has a fair mix of tiers - including the higher tiers.  These are the players that can really help with your game.  Many of them are very willing to help the lower tiers - don't be afraid to ask.

    Have fun and don't get too caught up in trying to win tournaments all the time.  That gets to be a grind and is not much fun while you are needing to learn!

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2019 4:15 AM

    Two things missed by the others that are important:

            Play every day, even if just one hole, to keep your consecutive day bonus growing.                This is how you will raise your level so that you can purchase better clubs.

            Accumulate free credits. This is so you can play the game without putting a major                  hole in your pocket.

  • ShooterGage
    68 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2019 6:07 AM

    Thanks for all the feedback!

    @ Tom - unfortunately I am NOT a 'dingallthetime' player...but i'm experimenting with the PC version, which seems a little easier to ding more frequently than mobile...but still, both are hard to get consistently

    @ HackWilson - no doubt on both points!  I work in front of a computer for a living, so i usually just setup my iPad in front of me and hammer the free video button while i work lol.  

  • ShooterGage
    68 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2019 8:32 AM


    To have a chance to get close to the hole, start replacing the wedges and you will learn how to put the ball closer and closer to the hole.  You can ditch the 3H early to get a 3rd wedge. The 56 deg wedge will fit between your PW and the 60 deg and 64 deg wedges.

    Thanks Larry!  I tried to do this; edit the clubs in my bag...but can't figure it out...

  • el3n1
    4,514 Posts
    Thu, Jul 25 2019 2:20 PM


    since you are on mobile and it looks like you already found the coin gear... you may consider doing what I did and delay club purchases with credits until you get to a level that will allow you to buy clubs that you should be able to hold onto for a while...

    I put this chart / post together to help when considering coin rental clubs because specs are not listed and as a way to delay or offset purchases with credits...until I got into the L50's  I had my eyes on the L59 Ping irons, which were my final purchase, I grabbed wedges in the 40's, driver at L55 and 3wd in the low 50;s as well.

    You can get better clubs now in the L20 and L30's but you will quickly replace them usually... why because you will likely earn a promotion sooner and still find your clubs lacking on the next tee... so then you upgrade again, and again... see the pattern...

    using your starters or coin rentals and some of the wedges that come available while also learning good course management, recovery skills, short game, sand shots, etc... will actually help you when you get better clubs because all that you learn will actually help you manage a course in difficult conditions...

    Not even the best clubs on WGT in heavy winds are going to allow you to reach every green in two shots... you still need to learn how to manage the course and conditions... there where shots I tried as a pro and tour pro because I couldn't reach the fairway with my driver on Chambers Bay that helped me think outside the box when approaching the game or difficult shots later on.  

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