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Re: Chambers Bay #1

Sun, Aug 15 2021 7:41 PM (18 replies)
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  • BPeterson8256
    2,940 Posts
    Mon, Mar 15 2021 5:09 PM


    Off the wall question about CB...what does it take to learn to like this course? I can’t find any redeeming qualities in it yet I hear many folks speaking highly of it. Even heard several people classify it as “easy”. 

    Like any other test... It is easy if you know the answers.

    As for "liking" the course, that is rather subjective. There are just as many reasons to like it as there are to hate it, and depending on the individual, those may be the exact same reasons. (example: Some may hate how difficult they think it is, while others love it for how difficult they think it is.)

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Mar 15 2021 7:42 PM


    When I replied, THAT was the hole I was thinking they were talking about.





  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Mon, Mar 15 2021 7:49 PM


    Off the wall question about CB...what does it take to learn to like this course? I can’t find any redeeming qualities in it yet I hear many folks speaking highly of it. Even heard several people classify it as “easy”. 

    For whatever reason, I think it can be a fun course. Not my favorite course, but I like it. I especially like the 8th hole because you can use behind the green as backstop and have the ball come rolling back toward the hole. 

    That's also the hole I got my only double-eagle. I hit a 3-wood that went 281 yards and rolled perfectly into the hole. I used to have a video of it but don't any longer.  

    But I wouldn't classify the course as easy. Still, a sub-30 round on the back 9 isn't extremely difficult, if one gets a break on the winds.  

  • Cicero733
    2,319 Posts
    Tue, Mar 16 2021 3:55 PM

    I will admit there are a couple of fun holes, but for me at least, the setting is just off. Stuck in the middle of a gravel pit with a bunch of sand. Several holes seem to have yardage issues. Never can consistently determine if my approach will stick or roll out a few yards.  For some reason I just can’t motivate myself to learn this course. Maybe someday...

  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Wed, Mar 17 2021 4:40 AM

    That's also the hole I got my only double-eagle. I hit a 3-wood that went 281 yards and rolled perfectly into the hole. I used to have a video of it but don't any longer.  

    I got one there as well. I thought I recorded it when we found out that all of our replays would be gone when flash was gone but that was one I missed. 

  • jacktrade51
    11,256 Posts
    Mon, Mar 22 2021 8:56 PM

    it doesn't matter whether your 4 is a birdie or a par. its still a 4.

    +1 ditto

    Pinehurst #4, a par 4 on paper, is really a par 5.  Pinehurst #5 which is labeled a par 5 is actually easier.

    A club I used to belong to, the opening hole was a par 5.  When they did USGA qualifying there (3x, twice for regular, once for seniors), they called it par 4.  So what.

    The point is score.  4 is 4 no matter the label.  



  • pdiehm
    307 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2021 7:36 AM


    Off the wall question about CB...what does it take to learn to like this course? I can’t find any redeeming qualities in it yet I hear many folks speaking highly of it. Even heard several people classify it as “easy”. 


    I've heard a bottle of Jack and a joint makes Chambers Bay enjoyable


  • Cicero733
    2,319 Posts
    Sun, Aug 1 2021 12:24 PM

    Spoken like a true Penn Stater. Budweiser doesn’t help so maybe I’ll give Mr Daniels a go.

    ‘Thanks for the tip.

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