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Mon, Apr 29 2024 8:55 PM (1,175 replies)
  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Fri, Aug 25 2023 10:36 AM

    I don't get it. The moon is roughly a 1/4 of the size of earth

    Red would come closest; however, it is still about 1/2 the size it needs to be

    Unless one wants to initiate fractal components...

    You're on your own with that nonsense

  • ScottHope
    10,309 Posts
    Fri, Aug 25 2023 12:54 PM


    Before you Google it, if the green disc represents the Earth, what colour disc do you think represents the size of our Moon in comparison?

    Right, before we get an influx of responses so great that I would be unable to respond to them all in a single lifetime, the correct answer is the red disc, so well done to Gary.

    The Moon is quite a large lump of rock, having a diameter approximately one quarter of that of the Earth.

  • RoggRR
    624 Posts
    Sat, Aug 26 2023 3:02 AM

    So, Indian lunar vehicle landed on the bottom of the red circle, right.?


  • ScottHope
    10,309 Posts
    Sat, Aug 26 2023 4:33 AM

    Apparently so Rogg, takeaway opening next week.

    Vindalunar anyone?  8 )

  • SamSpayed
    4,996 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2023 8:50 PM

  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,893 Posts
    Sun, Aug 27 2023 9:13 PM


    I'm reminded of Argos...

    As they spoke, a dog who was lying there lifted his head
    and pricked up his ears. It was Argos, Odysseus’ dog;
    he had trained him and brought him up as a puppy, but never
    hunted with him before he sailed off to Troy.
    In earlier times the young men had taken him out
    with them to hunt for wild goats and deer and hares,
    but he had grown old in his master’s absence, and now
    he lay abandoned on one of the heaps of mule
    and cattle dung that piled up outside the front gates
    until the farmhands could come by and cart it off
    to manure the fields. And so the dog Argos lay there,
    covered with ticks. As soon as he was aware
    of Odysseus, he wagged his tail and flattened his ears,
    but he lacked the strength to get up and go to his master.
    Odysseus wiped a tear away, turning aside
    to keep the swineherd from seeing it, and he said,
    “Eumaeus, it is surprising that such a dog,
    of such quality, should be lying here on a dunghill.
    He is a beauty, but I can’t tell if his looks
    were matched by his speed or if he was one of those pampered
    table dogs, which are kept around just for show.”

    Then, in response to his words, Eumaeus, you said,
    “This is the dog of a man who died far away.

    If he were now what he used to be when Odysseus
    left and sailed off to Troy, you would be astonished
    at his power and speed. No animal could escape him
    in the deep forest once he began to track it.
    What an amazing nose he had! But misfortune
    has fallen upon him now that his master is dead
    in some far-distant land, and the women are all too thoughtless
    to take any care of him. Servants are always like that:
    when their masters aren’t right there to give them their orders,
    they slack off, get lazy, and no longer do an honest
    day’s work, for Zeus almighty takes half the good
    out of a man on the day he becomes a slave.”


    With these words he entered the palace and went to the hall
    where the suitors were assembled at one of their banquets.
    And just then death came and darkened the eyes of Argos,
    who had seen Odysseus again after twenty years.

    From Homer’s Odyssey, Book 17: 260-327

    I love this kind of story! Thank you.


  • HamdenPro
    2,462 Posts
    Tue, Aug 29 2023 6:44 PM

    The green green grass of home . Cannot beat it . Have you got any mountains there steffi .

    At first Craig, I thought you meant here as in the "US" and I was going to reply "No, Craig, we have no mountains in North America", but then I thought, maybe you were asking about my town.

    So, first, Connecticut does have mountains, however, I would consider them hills. In my town, we have a "mountain" called Sleeping Giant. It is popular for rock climbing (multi-pitch) and hiking. There is a castle like tower that offers wonderful views of New Haven, Connecticut.

    "According to the legend passed down from the Quinnipiacs, a wise man cast a sleeping spell on Hobbomock and stopped his destructive rampage. He gave him plenty of sleep-inducing oysters to eat, and the giant fell to the ground on his back, where he remains to this day, still sleeping"

    I hike there often.

    EDIT: Hobbonock was, according to Indian legend, a great giant whose footsteps cause ponds and lakes. At one time, the Indians who inhabited this area lived off the sea. Oysters were abundant as was other shellfish.

  • gonfission
    2,241 Posts
    Tue, Aug 29 2023 7:35 PM

    Lobster was a dish for the poor back then. $57.00 a pound for cooked meat now.

    It is actually cheaper to buy it cooked than in the shell

    A two-pound lobster in the shell will realize about 3/4 of a pound & you have to cook & clean afterwards.

    Just saying


  • HamdenPro
    2,462 Posts
    Wed, Aug 30 2023 1:38 PM


    Lobster was a dish for the poor back then. $57.00 a pound for cooked meat now.

    It is actually cheaper to buy it cooked than in the shell

    A two-pound lobster in the shell will realize about 3/4 of a pound & you have to cook & clean afterwards

    First, let me point out, NEVER buy a 2lb lobster! The larger the lobster the less quality of the meat, it is tougher.

    The best lobsters are the Hard Shell "Chix". Hard shells contain considerable less water and has more meat. Chix are generally 1-1/4lb and the most tender.

    Currently, lobster are going for $7.99/lb right up the road from you Joe, in Kittery. Maine (get em right off the boat). If you buy just the meat, pre-cooked, it will run $59/lb as per today's market price.

    At $7.99/lb, it is worth the 4 hour drive to pick up a dozen freshly caught beauties!

  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,893 Posts
    Wed, Aug 30 2023 1:59 PM


    At $7.99/lb, it is worth the 4 hour drive to pick up a dozen freshly caught beauties!


    Hey Steff, you're pretty near the ocean. Aren't you?