POMA78: I understand your frustration. But consider this: you have been playing this game all of four (4 ) MONTHS! I know that this is not real golf and because of that you should be able to win The Open or such in perhaps a year of starting.
Perhaps I am being too facetious. What I am trying to say is that the best players on WGT have been spending many, many days playing thousands of rounds, If FMagnets, with over 27,000 rounds, were to say that WGT has a problem we would all open our ears. When you say things about the game we tend to hear someone who expects this game to be like so many internet games; that is extremely easy.
It's not an easy game and takes a great deal of practice. When you have added 2000 rounds to the 87 you have played, you will start to understand the game. When you have played 5087 rounds you will KNOW the game.
It will take time and work or you will continue to think the game has flaws and you will quit. Good luck going forward.