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Re: A New Era For WGT

Thu, Feb 20 2025 8:59 PM (42 replies)
  • IllegallyCamping
    4 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2025 11:34 AM

    I am absolutely LOVING this game!  Thank You for your work and updates! Late edit: Shot distance and shot consistency has gotten MUCH better!! (Not just with upgraded clubs)..  I am unsure if this is right place to ask, but is there any possible way you guys could integrade more video ads for gold? Videos are like 5 a week for one gold coin per video. Also, as another commenter mentioned about silver: May we have an option added to CONVERT silver coins to gold and not for a rediculous price? There is absolutely no value in silver coins. We can't buy anything within the game with silver coins. Renting anything other than the MK Club sets cost gold. Maybe use silver to RENT other clubs and sets instead of using gold?  

    Playing day in and day out for a few months now (I am homeless) and the gold is EXTREMELY difficult to obtain, whilst charging 500 or more gold to buy a halfway decent golf club.  The Surveys seem to be a scam. No rewards for the surveys nearly half the time is why I ask for more video ads to watch in trade for a gold coin per video. I like that.

    What is also going on with the Hybrid club? 195 yards distance, but in rough I am losing somewhere around 50-70 yards, creating a 80- 90 yard shot in full. I don't expect a full 195 yard distance on an uphill shot, but when level, this does not seem right. Correct me if I am wrong, but It feels like I am getting the same distance if not more than the hybrid club using a wedge to get out of the rough (thus far). I had the max hybrid and had the same issue, losing nearly 100 yards even though Max Hyybrid offered 20+ MORE yard distance.


  • callaghan159
    6,437 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2025 11:57 AM


    …and with that in mind….….…

     ……….when can we expect the return of our Morning Drive outfits ?


  • DuFussMcGoo
    2,929 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2025 8:34 PM

    I am absolutely LOVING this game!  Thank You for your work and updates! 

    Ding, dong TopGolf is dead...

    Tis a shame they are gone.  They did some good. The moving Avatars are a hoot! Their help was, indifferent. They killed off 2 (or was it 3) WGT Golf Courses. They did away with the Uneven Lies games. I believe I had over 200 saved replays of shots and eagles I made. My very 1st eagle was included in the group.........all eliminated.

    I really think I had as many game errors as I did when WGT was a "beta" site.

    I bet Calloway wishes they could go back in time and.......

    Can anyone think of other trinkets TopGolf caused? 

  • SimonTheBeetle
    3,718 Posts
    Wed, Feb 19 2025 9:50 PM

    Tis a shame they are gone. 

    Woe is me, NOT! 

    IMO Topgolf has never seen WGT as anything more than a marketing tool. They've never ever cared about making the game better from the beginning, not one bit! It's obvious what their priorities are. They'll happily ignore game-ruining glitches if it means they can roll out another money-grabbing event.

    Honestly, I've never been a big fan of their whole approach and philosophy on golf to begin with. Have you ever been to one of their venues? It's a zoo, a total circus. It's like all the wannabes and jerks in the area show up and it's just a mess! Anyone who takes golf seriously would go once and never go back. Topgolf is a disgrace to golf.

    Anyway, fingers crossed the new partner company possesses the necessary expertise to elevate the game's quality.

  • Dneirf
    466 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 1:28 AM

    Now is the time to file your complaints, praises, and other opinions about this golf simulator game folks. Complete the WGT Player Survey NOW as there is only 1 day 2 hours left as of this Post before the message expires from your WGT APP Inbox.


    Again the WGT Player Survey can be found in your WGT APP INBOX.

    Please answer the survey questions and input boxes honestly and professionally.

    -Dneirf (wgt player - client)

  • sesky
    3,727 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 3:21 AM

    Tis a shame they are gone.  They did some good. The moving Avatars are a hoot! Their help was, indifferent. They killed off 2 (or was it 3) WGT Golf Courses. They did away with the Uneven Lies games. I believe I had over 200 saved replays of shots and eagles I made. My very 1st eagle was included in the group.........all eliminated.

    I really miss the uneven lies. Made the game semi-realistic. You don't get perfect lies all the time in real golf so why should you in this game?? My Tiger Woods Golf from EA had uneven lies and that game was produced many many years ago. In conjunction with that, it also had the ability to shape shots (draws, fades etc) by feet positioning and ball alignment, not by guessing how far left or right of the ding you want to press the mouse button at and that still doesn't give you any real shot shape.

    Maybe it gets better. We shall see.


  • sesky
    3,727 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 3:37 AM

    Honestly, I've never been a big fan of their whole approach and philosophy on golf to begin with. Have you ever been to one of their venues? It's a zoo, a total circus. It's like all the wannabes and jerks in the area show up and it's just a mess! Anyone who takes golf seriously would go once and never go back. Topgolf is a disgrace to golf.

    When I was growing up, I used to go bowling quite a bit. TopGolf venues reminds me of the junior bowling league I used to be in on a Saturday morning. For most of the kids, it was a reason to get out of the house and go clowning around for a couple of hours. No real interest in bowling. When I got to the TopGolf venue, the first impressions I got were flashbacks to those bowling alley days and I agree Simon that it was not a good one. 

    I understand the marketing side of things. Got to make money to keep the business afloat. Hopefully we'll see some real improvements in what I think we're all interested in. I want to enjoy good golfing gameplay. The more real it feels minus the glitches, the better.



  • mrm6400
    1,814 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 5:17 AM

    Putting in a request here for consideration.

    WGT Weekly & Monthly tournaments always seem to be the same settings.

    High winds and long tees.

    Can we get more variety in the settings.

    I have stopped playing most of them just for this reason.

    I don't enjoy playing in 30 mph winds in every tournament.

    Think it would be more enjoyable for most of us to have some decent conditions to challenge us but still be able to enjoy the game without having to calculate the pollen count and guess which way the wind will blow in every WGT event.

    Just saying. Would be nice and appreciated by many of us.

    Also, more custom course events would be nice to add to the mix of WGT events.

    Speaking of coin games.

    Why do the apparel of WGT not ever let you get rare and epic items maxed out so we can see and use the different colors if we so desired.  The coins payout for the same items over and over and the rare and epic items hardly ever get credited so we can't advance to the end to see if we want to wear the item. Seems like a simple thing but I have been playing 10+ years and have not maxed out any of the rare or epic apparel items.



  • borntobesting
    9,766 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 8:21 AM

    They killed off 2 (or was it 3) WGT Golf Courses.

    Actually it may have been as high as 12

    2 full  18 stroke play courses Cabo and whistler. their CCTH courses. = 4

    The original 3 best of courses=7

    Hilversumsche Golf Club - Group 1
    Hilversumsche Golf Club - Group 2  =8 

    Bali Hai

    Best of Famous Shots
    Best of Putting Shots
    Best of Water Shots

    including the special CTTH courses that is a total of 12 or 13 if you count the 2 Hilversumsche CTTH course as 2 courses instead of just 1

    I asked Nico about Hilversumsche and Bali Hai. He said he would see if they could be brought back and didn't know why they were left off












  • WLawson22
    6 Posts
    Thu, Feb 20 2025 8:50 AM

    Back a few months ago I specifically asked Nico and Champ about why we can't have a whole new slate of Best of Courses. The current ones have been around since almost the beginning of WGT and do not include the best holes anymore. Heavens we have 5-6 new courses not even included in these Best ofs. 

    At the time I was told that was not possible to which I say that is BS! You have created the Water Water course for Ready Go's so it is completely possible to do it. Let some of the bigger clubs or players create some new ones to use. Would be nice to use them in MP or Alt but even added to Brackets and Ready Go's that would be perfectly ok with me.

    As also mentioned above why do all events need to be hurricane winds and 13s or 14s in featured events? Why in Brackets, RGO's and special events do the winds and direction vary for each player? With 30 mph winds that is completely unfair to most. I can atest to having played a couple events and with out holing out from the tee or fairway there was no way I could have shot the winning scores. 

    If this is truly a new ERA for WGT then how about you listen to the users and make changes that improve the experience for all to enjoy, not just some.

    one last comment I have suggested numerous times that WGT quit putting Showdowns in Paris Casablanca and Montreal rooms.. I am tired of getting cussed at and the bs from the lover level players because they match me playing in a room I should not be in..

    Create one coin room for all Showdown players.. make the entry level minimum coins and let all players use that one room.. all would use the same tees as in Montreal room. That way people playing Rookie or Expert could match but at least you would be playing another person playing the Showdown.
