Hello all players,I'm a beginner and i will byuy a good full set to play in this game.I'm at 22 level and i have 3650 credit to do that.who can recommend me a good and sustainable?Thank you for your attention.
get to level 32 and buy the full R11 set
I'd wait awhile until you can reach some higher level equipment.
You may have some fun though, with the WGT Tour driver, rated at 245 yards and not very expensive. The meter will be faster though, but will make paying a bit more fun!
Thats a good idea and all, but I suggest waiting to get to level 32 so you can unlock the R11 full set.
You can also buy the 56, 60, & 64 degree Cleveland wedges. With this setup and some skill, you will succeed until you need to upgrade equipment.
I've played against a lot of those Clevelands, yet I'm still using the 685BX Snakeeyes 56 at my level, and for a buck you can't go wrong imo.
Level 25 , The Rapture V2 set .. 2.718 credits , Then add some GI3-S . 3@ .99
Depends on what your intentions are. If you are just planning on playing for fun then the raptures are good clubs. If you intend to be "good" at this game then I agree with Buggy - wait for the level 32 R11s with a slightly faster meter.
Whats the fastest easiest way to earn credits without paying for them?