I Got Some, Membership Spot open for a Serious Tournament Player who Wants to Play Against Some Good Opposition Every Week.
T.Pro Or Above. Roy.
Count me in.
Hi Scott this is actualy a Club members slot , l see you are already in a club, if you want to change and join us let me know and l will send you an invite But you cannot belong to 2,clubs.
like wise shoop you are also already in a club, and l am looking for 1, new club member to complete my 100. l am not in the buisness of poaching other clubs members but likewise if you want to leave your present club let me know.
Hi Roy . . . I think you'll find there are peeps on here who say "count me in" for the fun of it . . . seems to be some sort of weird tradition . . . best ignored . .
StillSome Spot left in my Cl;ub, if there are any Serious Takers out there
Thankyou Roy.
Yes, it's seems that certain peeps try to disrupt threads in this forum.
Don't take it personally. There are some funny cookies around here, what is the point of this silly tradition.
A few have joined still got Room for a few More even Cookies if you can Play
I would like to join a more active CC, let me know if your interested in me!