REALLY? that is how you want to spend your time? WATCHING, someone else play a VIDEO GAME? FFS, i don't have much of a life. I spend enough time here playing. Unless a serious amount of $ is involved. NO WAY am i watching some other HACK, bang a ball around CYBERLAND............hahahahahaha
Maybe that the players in a CC organize a knock out competition and 1 of the players gets knocked out of that said competition by a better player. Maybe if that said player was to watch how the better player played the next round he might learn how to do it better than just remain on the level he is at.
Every sport known to man and woman has been taught, unless you are a natural at the sport, or want to remain at the status quo of plodding on, there is no better way to improve than by learning from players who have been there and done that. By being able to watch how it is done by better players then it might just be possible to improve your own game. IMHO.