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Ability to observe.

Thu, May 24 2012 1:15 AM (32 replies)
  • Alura
    1,398 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 10:01 AM

    You are so right bigred36,  but not about the room lol... I do apologize to all.   I should not have responded.

    My bad.....


  • jumpmybones
    205 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 2:19 PM

    I bet that you can be very, very  BAD    !       ;)

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 3:05 PM

    Wheres RUN and Courtney when you need them? They would put some Jalapeno spice into this thing, Jalapeno on a steeeek.

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, May 9 2012 9:15 PM

    Jalapeno on a steeeek.

    Dang, I just used some rub I had!

  • Rzbk
    376 Posts
    Fri, May 11 2012 5:50 AM



    we have had this idea comeup a few times before. unfortunately, there are no plans to support this.


    animated gifs Computers 6 could cause overloading


    perhaps there could be a limit of amount of people to watch another game only up to 100 hundred members charge 10c to watch another game and also pick one day only each week maybe fridaysanimated gifs Computers 11


    Yes, then if anyone needs a glass of water or maybe needs to scratch their ass or answer the phone then we could pay another 10 credits or so. My God, everyone is so tuned in to paying for everything it just seems natural.

  • jumpmybones
    205 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 5:52 AM

    I like to share .      ;)~

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 8:03 AM


    Talking with the guys in my CC that it would be a great add-on if anyone in the CC could be put in an observe mode to watch when not playing.

    Technically, it is possible.

    During the recent 400 $ Legend Matchplay Tournament there was a channel open via to watch the game via internet.

    I saw the final holes of the final match where PRIESTESS organised the broadcast.

    AFAIS, she played in the game as a third party besides the opponents. They had set up strokeplay but counted it as matchplay. Somehow, as a screenshot video(?), her view of the game was broadcast. Thus the opponents had nothing to do with it, they only played. There was a chat channel, too, where someone commented on the match.

  • Stephen0507
    6 Posts
    Wed, May 23 2012 2:42 PM

    Please make being an observer happen WGT.