Spaghetti, you are at a pretty low level for a Legend, but at that point the levels will fly by (with the daily playing bonus), so I would say to stay with what you have at least until Level 59, or even 79 or 83 - if, as you say, you aren't expecting to match the top players at the moment. And you've got a few new courses to learn anyway. You will be less competitive for a while, maybe just a few weeks, but then you will have some good clubs you can play for a long time.
Yeah this is pretty much the conclusion I'm coming to. Having come back from a long hiatus, and realizing just how much trajectory plays a role, I wanted to explore the idea of changing clubs to get better trajectory. But I think, ATEOTD, it's really not an improvement... med/high traj just isn't enough of a difference to make up for the trade offs of making a change.
I was just in the Master tier (highest level) before they implemented XP's and "Levels". Before I came back on 5/05/12, I think my last tourney played or ranked round played was 10/2009!!
I was totally dormant, not active at all when they went to the new system, and they just decided to put me in the Legend tier when they went to the new system.
Why not Tour Master?? Hell, why not just leave me at Master? if I some point I come back, then my average under the new system will determine my tier.
It does seem kinda unfair. I should at least have a chance to compete in the tier I'm in. And everyone knows you just can't compete without the high legend level clubs.