Dear WGT,
Is there a way, or would it be possible, to have one or more topics frozen/permanently placed at the top of the forum discussions in your own Country Club? I would love to post guidelines and play flows up there so that all (new) members would immediately spot those while browsing the forum. Thx for replying!
Voyager9940: Dear WGT, Is there a way, or would it be possible, to have one or more topics frozen/permanently placed at the top of the forum discussions in your own Country Club? I would love to post guidelines and play flows up there so that all (new) members would immediately spot those while browsing the forum. Thx for replying! VOY
I think club owner can do so. He has to go that post, click edit and 1 of the options in the next tab would allow him/her to do so.
Dear Wgticon, stop thinking it, now you can be sure of it! There is indeed an option for that in the edit menu, where you can choose a timing for how long you wanna make an article or post 'sticky'!
Thanks so much for your help!!