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Frozen topic on the Club's forum.

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 14 2012 11:00 AM (2 replies)
  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 6:29 AM

    Dear WGT,

    Is there a way, or would it be possible, to have one or more topics frozen/permanently placed at the top of the forum discussions in your own Country Club? I would love to post guidelines and play flows up there so that all (new) members would immediately spot those while browsing the forum. Thx for replying!


  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 8:44 AM


    Dear WGT,

    Is there a way, or would it be possible, to have one or more topics frozen/permanently placed at the top of the forum discussions in your own Country Club? I would love to post guidelines and play flows up there so that all (new) members would immediately spot those while browsing the forum. Thx for replying!



    I think club owner can do so. He has to go that post, click edit and 1 of the options in the next tab would allow him/her to do so.


  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Mon, May 14 2012 11:00 AM

    Dear Wgticon, stop thinking it, now you can be sure of it! There is indeed an option for that in the edit menu, where you can choose a timing for how long you wanna make an article or post 'sticky'!

    Thanks so much for your help!!
