what for? I know that now there are 4 different "TOURNAMENT SPEED" and they never tell what is the real speed you start playing with, after you made the first 2-3 putts you relize that is
TM "tournament speed", for TM's and some R&G and other tournaments like Sunset classic
Legend "Tournament speed", when playing MP, Alternate this applied for legend and when a TM play a legend
Legend slower "tournament speed" some ready to go speed are slower but not like TM's speed.
TM slower "tournament speed" last month St Andy's back 9 ready to go had it. very slow green almost like very fast.
Also I saw 2 different championship green the last month:
whistler back 9 r&g had a very slow championchip green
and the whistle 1000 cr r&g had an ice championship speed
At the end I started to like Very fast, fast, standard and slow...why? because is only one speed and if the game says is that, you can trust the speed :)