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declining games beneath you!!

Fri, Jun 1 2012 7:55 AM (54 replies)
  • littlesmac
    20 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 1:32 PM

    To those of you who without thought , refuse or DECLINE to play with any tier below you, SHAME ON YOU!!!! You too also started out as just a hack. I understand you worked hard to get to you are today, but can you honestly say, you never got advice or a kind word from any fellow golfer. I myself have worked hard for months to get to AMATEUR, but probably would have taken longer if it wasn't for help and patience of fellow golfers who remembered that this a great game and intended to be fun for all, and that they to had once carried HACK beside their name.Remember not all hacks can play many of those all important games ,many great courses aren't open to them, they can't hurt your TITLE whatever it may be, they just want to play ,have fun, meet others as you have and learn to play and play well. I'm sure there's always that fear that they just might outplay you, but all we ask  of ya'll,  is to accept an invitation to play a friendly game of golf from time to time. For me, whenever i see that a fellow golfer has "DECLINED" an invitation to play, it leaves a "lower then" feeling inside. Loosen up your knickers and remember when, you to were just a "HACK"

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 1:50 PM

    Some higher tiered players don't like playing with lower tiered players due to the pace of the game. No disrespect to the less talented players, but there is no competition playing with Hacks and Amateurs. We all carried Hack under our name, and we experienced the same thing.

    There are plenty of places to find tips here in the forums. There are two tabs dedicated for that. Game Tips & Community Help. 

  • upinsmoketour
    342 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 2:05 PM

    Hacks can play on any course any other player can play on just to let you know but i hear what your saying if im green send me an invite & i would gladly play a round !  smoke.

  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 2:10 PM
    1. Hacks quit almost immediately. Playing someone who will almost certainly quit as soon as they hit a bad shot is a waste of everyone's time.
    2. There are many reasons for declining an invitation including: practicing, waiting for someone, busy writing forum posts, don't know who the hell you are, have to pee, being attacked by carpenter ants, sudden blindness, demonic possession, etc. Don't take it personally
    3. The same courses are available to all players. If you're thinking of Hilversplooge, wolf creek, or some of the other courses listed, they are only available as closest to the hole and have nothing to do with your tier.
    4. No one is worried about being outplayed by a hack. Some hacks are sandbaggers, but the majority are people who just got here, don't know how to play the game yet, and will ultimately quit (see #1)
    5. it's "lower than" - pet peeve
    6. Send me an invite and I will be happy to play a round or two with you.
  • sebastian316
    9 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 2:17 PM


    To those of you who without thought , refuse or DECLINE to play with any tier below you, SHAME ON YOU!!!! You too also started out as just a hack. I understand you worked hard to get to you are today, but can you honestly say, you never got advice or a kind word from any fellow golfer. I myself have worked hard for months to get to AMATEUR, but probably would have taken longer if it wasn't for help and patience of fellow golfers who remembered that this a great game and intended to be fun for all, and that they to had once carried HACK beside their name.Remember not all hacks can play many of those all important games ,many great courses aren't open to them, they can't hurt your TITLE whatever it may be, they just want to play ,have fun, meet others as you have and learn to play and play well. I'm sure there's always that fear that they just might outplay you, but all we ask  of ya'll,  is to accept an invitation to play a friendly game of golf from time to time. For me, whenever i see that a fellow golfer has "DECLINED" an invitation to play, it leaves a "lower then" feeling inside. Loosen up your knickers and remember when, you to were just a "HACK"

    I am a Tour Master and I have no problem playing any level of player from Hack to Ledgend in any form of play except for credits type of matches. The problem is if I join a game 99.9% of the time I will be booted from the game because of my status if the other players are usually pro & below. If they do allow me to play they somtimes get snotty so now when I usually log on and I see the lower status I usually decline then set up my own game with Tour Pro or higher. When I first started out as a hack I would never boot out anyone higher than me because I loved the challange of trying to either beat them or stay competitive with them. Now the only players I boot out are the ones on my quitters list I have been keeping.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 2:27 PM

    That is why I play almost only alternate shot. I will play with any tier and enjoy losing to any degree of partner combination. I usually get picked by the newer player and appreciate what they are trying to contribute.

  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 2:46 PM

    Lizzie and I often take 2 randoms and more often than not they are Tour Pro or lower tier.  We take one of the randoms each and try to help them to play.  Rarely do any quit.  It's all about making them comfortable playing with Legends.  And they're not slow.  Yes, sometimes their shots aren't as good as a Legend player, but neither are ours always either.  And stray shots are good practice for getting up and down.

    I agree, it's a shame some people have forgotten how they began.  I have a few players to thank who helped me whilst I was climbing through the tiers, and now Lizzie and I are trying to do the same for the newer players.  Lizzie will sometimes take 3 randoms for an alt shot, and I've never heard either her or any of the randoms ever complain; on the contrary, you will sometimes find a message of thanks on her wall.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 2:47 PM

    I love playing Hilversmootch. It's such a good combination of naming and beauty.

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 3:00 PM

    Okay, i'm sure you've heard this, been there done that.  Truely, I did have the same problem when I started 12/09.  No legends, No Tour Pro. and Masters who's sh-- didn't stink.  In my humble (?) opinion it is a lot better.  I personally never start a ranked stroke game, unless I have certain player or players lined up already.  95% of the time i choose the join a game, selection, any course, any clock, any level of player.  I do not however play the 2 cartoon courses (to cheap).  Should you see me as a green send an invite, love to play ya.  my nickle. 


    To those of you who without thought , refuse or DECLINE to play with any tier below you, SHAME ON YOU!!!! You too also started out as just a hack. I understand you worked hard to get to you are today, but can you honestly say, you never got advice or a kind word from any fellow golfer. I myself have worked hard for months to get to AMATEUR, but probably would have taken longer if it wasn't for help and patience of fellow golfers who remembered that this a great game and intended to be fun for all, and that they to had once carried HACK beside their name.Remember not all hacks can play many of those all important games ,many great courses aren't open to them, they can't hurt your TITLE whatever it may be, they just want to play ,have fun, meet others as you have and learn to play and play well. I'm sure there's always that fear that they just might outplay you, but all we ask  of ya'll,  is to accept an invitation to play a friendly game of golf from time to time. For me, whenever i see that a fellow golfer has "DECLINED" an invitation to play, it leaves a "lower then" feeling inside. Loosen up your knickers and remember when, you to were just a "HACK"

  • Timmytoastman
    569 Posts
    Thu, May 17 2012 4:50 PM

    I can't count the times I have been declined by players in all tiers! I don't take it personal. Sometimes I can't even get a game. Oh well I play an 18 hole stroke game by myself just for the XP's