To those of you who without thought , refuse or DECLINE to play with any tier below you, SHAME ON YOU!!!! You too also started out as just a hack. I understand you worked hard to get to you are today, but can you honestly say, you never got advice or a kind word from any fellow golfer. I myself have worked hard for months to get to AMATEUR, but probably would have taken longer if it wasn't for help and patience of fellow golfers who remembered that this a great game and intended to be fun for all, and that they to had once carried HACK beside their name.Remember not all hacks can play many of those all important games ,many great courses aren't open to them, they can't hurt your TITLE whatever it may be, they just want to play ,have fun, meet others as you have and learn to play and play well. I'm sure there's always that fear that they just might outplay you, but all we ask of ya'll, is to accept an invitation to play a friendly game of golf from time to time. For me, whenever i see that a fellow golfer has "DECLINED" an invitation to play, it leaves a "lower then" feeling inside. Loosen up your knickers and remember when, you to were just a "HACK"