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declining games beneath you!!

Fri, Jun 1 2012 7:55 AM (54 replies)
  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 10:17 AM

    Remember too ; that when you play an advanced player (tier) you are playing on their green speed, not yours.

    Excellent Point, indeed.

    There is nothing worse than a lower tiered player playing your greens and then cussing because they made a 7 foot putt into a 21 foot putt ( or God forbid, farther because they used the wrong putter scale) and then expecting you to even par that hole...lmao !

    God forbid you miss it...lmao !

    So, the point of the OP is this : Higher tier players refuse to play with lower tiers? Not always ;  but you can see why we refuse the majority of the time after reading some of the comments put forth herein.

    Most of us will play with anyone. I ALWAYS check their stats before a round. Just in case. You might be playing Joe L. Egend as a Hack.

    Please don't group US all into your "we're better than you, so pi$$ off category" OP.

    Cheers !

    And by all means... keep them on the short grass everyone.

  • pUGfANmn
    436 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 10:18 AM


    I love playing with my starter balls


    And I just started playing with my.....

    Never mind.


    Flat stick?

  • shortstop
    2,263 Posts
    Sat, May 19 2012 11:34 AM


    To those of you who without thought , refuse or DECLINE to play with any tier below you, SHAME ON YOU!!!! You too also started out as just a hack. I understand you worked hard to get to you are today, but can you honestly say, you never got advice or a kind word from any fellow golfer. I myself have worked hard for months to get to AMATEUR, but probably would have taken longer if it wasn't for help and patience of fellow golfers who remembered that this a great game and intended to be fun for all, and that they to had once carried HACK beside their name.Remember not all hacks can play many of those all important games ,many great courses aren't open to them, they can't hurt your TITLE whatever it may be, they just want to play ,have fun, meet others as you have and learn to play and play well. I'm sure there's always that fear that they just might outplay you, but all we ask  of ya'll,  is to accept an invitation to play a friendly game of golf from time to time. For me, whenever i see that a fellow golfer has "DECLINED" an invitation to play, it leaves a "lower then" feeling inside. Loosen up your knickers and remember when, you to were just a "HACK"

    well it isn't just those who decline to play with lower tiers.  I tried on three different times to join a game with the level set to any.  Every time I joined a game all the tour pros, pros, amateurs and hack immediately left.  So I think it is more of the lower tiers not wanting to play with legends than the way you have described, but if you want to play a round then invite me and I will play a round with ya.

  • littlesmac
    20 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 12:31 PM

    Romax:  I'd tried to connect with you for the invite but, took some wrong turns. I'm so sorry to have missed this opportunity, i only hope for a next time!  I so enjoyed reading the various responses to my post.  The timing issue was (is) a big thing and understandingly so. I can get in a comfortable groove , then, bam, lose it for days, as I'm sure wev'e all experienced. My putting suffers the most, though i am consistently working on it. I'm trying different putters as well as balls waiting for the ahha feeling!  Though my numbers really don't show it, i'm pretty confident inthe driving,layups,chip,pitch etc. I thank you for the invitations for a game as well as friends. Eager to pick your brain, looking forward to future go rounds!! Again so sorry for this earlier.  Littlesmac

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 1:12 PM

    Littlesmac... I don't have a problem playing with lower tiers as long as they don't intentionally quit and intentionally disconnect. Everyone started as a hack and some progress faster than others. Of course some like to So look me up if you want I'll play some rounds with you.

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 2:07 PM

    i'll play anytime with anyone .. even slow play, i don't mind .. allows me to type more .. when i was hack - pro i always tried to get into games with Master + Tier players .. learned alot from them

  • boroJohnny
    65 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 2:53 PM

    I so agree more people will now play as I have just turned Pro and have a high handicap: also noticed that WGT cheat on a lot of putts I know the @GREATS@ will tell me I'm wrong but it is a fact


  • AJRoberts
    1,276 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 3:00 PM

    I'll happily play anyone, anytime in any tier. I expect to get beaten by Legends, Tour Masters and a fair few Masters - and see it as a challenge to get one over em eventually! I expect to beat most Tour Pros, Pros, Amateurs and Hacks - but will happily offer my advice, thoughts and help to them whilst encouraging them to keep playing and I don't get sulky if they beat me! 

    I'm not proud, nor am I snotty - WGT is fun, takes some learning and is generally fun for all players of all tiers and should remain that way!

    I don't care who you are or what tier you're at! Give us a blip whenever I'm on and green  - and I won't walk away from our game.

  • pjctas0822
    4,615 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 3:09 PM


    i agree with you , i have  peole who are tour pros who wont play me ,this game is so screwd up its like you need to win the masters to play golf , i thougt the prupose of wgt is to play together and get better ,well all i see is a select few getting better while people like you and me get steppedd on and when you get to be a member in acounrty club you get the shoulder and no one there will play you im beginning to wonder if we need cc on here they are here to show off if you have 50 cr to spend on them , im confused on this whole thing

    I am afraid I am one of those people Barry :(

    Its just half the time I dont even see the invites and when I do I am in busy status. I promise though If I refuse an invite that I do see I always put a message saying I cant play for whatever my reason may be at the time. I usually am available after 9 PM when the kids and wife are alseep.

    Shoot me an invite anytime .

  • jnorton22002
    990 Posts
    Mon, May 21 2012 3:18 PM

    for me being a woman, i find sometimes I am declined if i am trying to

     start a game.some times I think I am declined because of tier.  i will play with any one, but don't like it when people are snooty.  I really enjoy this game even when i am playing poorly. I have in the past been known to  quit but don't any m]ore as it is really wrong. I too will play with any one