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Meter Lag

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Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:48 PM (15 replies)
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  • B52B
    13 Posts
    Wed, Apr 7 2010 6:26 PM

    It's pretty sad when you miss shots because the meter stuters or lgs completely on the way down, although i appreciate the graphics, i certainly will not spend money here until this problem is corrected, i have a top of the line computer and connection and do not experience this problem with other games. let me know when you fix it.

  • rehill
    431 Posts
    Wed, Apr 7 2010 9:56 PM

    The usual tips apply here. Close ALL other windows, download Gamebooster, hold the swing at the top for 5-6 seconds, etc, etc... It can be a bummer at times, but it really can be prevented if you just take the time =) hope you get it running smooth!

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Thu, Apr 8 2010 9:56 AM

    One thing my friend Rehill omitted was the practice swing.

    Do not be afraid to let the meter run through if you even ~think~ there's going to be a problem with it running back.

    Personally, when I think it's acting up, I'll just turn away and not even look until I hear the swing sound... then I'll look back and try it again.  Sometimes one is necessary, sometimes 2...  /shrug..  But it ~is~ effective.


  • smason77
    464 Posts
    Fri, Apr 9 2010 5:36 PM


    One thing my friend Rehill omitted was the practice swing.

    Do not be afraid to let the meter run through if you even ~think~ there's going to be a problem with it running back.

    Personally, when I think it's acting up, I'll just turn away and not even look until I hear the swing sound... then I'll look back and try it again.  Sometimes one is necessary, sometimes 2...  /shrug..  But it ~is~ effective.


    Psychologically it's really not all that effective.

    Every time the meter jumps it creates a waypoint in your mind. Sure you may say to shrug it off. Easier said than done. What are the odds that your next swing is going to be off after a meter jump? I'd say that they're pretty high.

    In real life golf my meter never jumps. My shots may deviate.. I might hit it too hard or not hard enough. I might punch it or shank it but never does my body freeze and retract as to what is so commonly referred to as the infamous "meter jump".

  • AlexisStarfire
    78 Posts
    Sat, Apr 10 2010 6:12 PM

    If there is one thing that keeps me from spending even more money on this game is the laggy swing meter. I would not even ATTEMPT a real competition with this, Its useless and put everything to 'luck' if there is one glitch anywhere in the internet path from you to the server, your screwed.

    I particularly think a more analytical approach would be better I have seen some golf games (single player) that you have to enter numerically the angle you are swinging, the power you are putting to the club etc. and it much better accuracy-wise than a studder meter dependent on multiple internet routers you have no control over. The ball still takes into account physical factors like wind, trees and the type of field played from (deep rough, rough, fairway etc.)

    The game at the moment is maybe 60% skill and club/ball quality and 40% hope and luck. The outcome of a match is determined by who had the less unfortunate studder on the meter..


  • rehill
    431 Posts
    Sat, Apr 10 2010 6:53 PM


    One thing my friend Rehill omitted was the practice swing.

    Do not be afraid to let the meter run through if you even ~think~ there's going to be a problem with it running back.

    Personally, when I think it's acting up, I'll just turn away and not even look until I hear the swing sound... then I'll look back and try it again.  Sometimes one is necessary, sometimes 2...  /shrug..  But it ~is~ effective.


    Very true... can't believe I left that out. In most cases I let the meter go if I see any evidence of a lag.

    Probably the most important thing when dealing with a laggy meter.


  • Matafact
    17 Posts
    Sat, Apr 10 2010 7:06 PM

    I am with Alex, this is just plain silly. Game at times almost unplayable since update, was in a match with two 57 avg players and none of us could make a 2 foot putt, which is just bulloaney to put it nicely. And what is going on with the constant freeze ups/getting dumped out of games in backswing alot lately here.

    Kind of hard to play this game like this. You guys want anymore of my $$$, you better get this str8tened out, or I will stop playing altogether....

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Sat, Apr 10 2010 11:13 PM

    or I will stop playing altogether....


  • micklen
    221 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 10:59 AM

    I still maintain that laggy swing meter problems almost always stem from problems the players end.  I have a solid internet connection and since installing Game Booster I haven't had one stutter.  Saying that I hardly had any anyway.

    I can understand that occasionally an oversused server can cause problems but I still think mostly it is the players end.


  • Wolfy11511
    7 Posts
    Mon, May 31 2010 11:09 AM

    game booster works really well.

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