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Meter Lag

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Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:48 PM (15 replies)
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  • MadCanuck
    3 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 8:38 AM

    game booster? hmmmm. will try it. im getting mighty pissed off with theconsistent meter lagging. also getting tired of losing balls that i buy from here.thats what really pisses me off.


    i turn off my pop up blockers off as well ,laong with having all my updates to keep my puter running smoothly.but to no dam avail,gggggggggrrrrr!!


    i think the site is overwhelmed with so many joining this site,and it tends to bog down.


    i reely hope WGT finds a way to fix this problem,otherwise,this is a great site to be on playing.


    cheers MadCanuck!!

  • wildcat18racing6
    420 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 11:21 AM

    (scratches head) hmmmm my meter is as smooth as silk. Read all the tips and ideas on the forum...or did i not read them and just get lucky? jury is still out on that one :-P

  • wrenny
    29 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 1:42 PM

    Link ?

  • fubar57
    20 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 2:22 PM

    I've played a few games on the site.(It links back to here). No game booster, programs running in the background, cache files over flowing and running on firefox with barely any noticeable stutter. The screen is a few centimeters smaller but if that's the price to pay for a more enjoyable game, I'll take it. Maybe I got lucky, I don't know, but when I screw the golf game up from faults of my own, I can always play one of the 100's of other games they have there.


  • SystemCrash
    209 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 2:33 PM

    Every time the meter jumps it creates a waypoint in your mind. Sure you may say to shrug it off. Easier said than done. What are the odds that your next swing is going to be off after a meter jump? I'd say that they're pretty high.

    Same here! I call it my the-meter-can-stutter-anytime-again anxiety. By experience, when it does it, I go do something else: Pour a coffee, take a pi...[oop can't say that here!] and come back after. When it does several times in a row, I just close my game and come back later in the day. There's just nothing I can do.

    In real life golf my meter never jumps.

    True. Who gets a random sharp pain just when you swing down?


  • anygimmick
    172 Posts
    Wed, Mar 16 2011 9:48 PM

    Just some tips, get rid of the wireless mouse ( I use a wired laser mouse) this alone cut out 40% of my meter studder. GAMEBOOSTER great app shuts down all the background crap that uses precious resources when playing an online game. Also a firm believer in the let it swing method (even the pro's take a practice swing.) Try not to concentrate on the exact line but more at the absract area. And of course we all know that the better balls and equipment give you more room for error and that is why WGT sells them. Also run in compatability mode on Win 7. Java just does better on it. But most important get at least a 1gig video card and a 10 megbit download connection. If your playing for credits and spending credits to do so (I live in a state where i can't) why would you NOT spend more money for a faster connection.

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