If there is one thing that keeps me from spending even more money on this game is the laggy swing meter. I would not even ATTEMPT a real competition with this, Its useless and put everything to 'luck' if there is one glitch anywhere in the internet path from you to the server, your screwed.
I particularly think a more analytical approach would be better I have seen some golf games (single player) that you have to enter numerically the angle you are swinging, the power you are putting to the club etc. and it much better accuracy-wise than a studder meter dependent on multiple internet routers you have no control over. The ball still takes into account physical factors like wind, trees and the type of field played from (deep rough, rough, fairway etc.)
The game at the moment is maybe 60% skill and club/ball quality and 40% hope and luck. The outcome of a match is determined by who had the less unfortunate studder on the meter..