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Olympic course

Tue, May 29 2012 6:49 AM (38 replies)
  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Wed, May 23 2012 8:27 PM


      I've seen some "Legend" Profiles who show less than 500 "ranked rounds"...but, you HAVE to know, most likely, they hit an additional 1,500 to 2,000 "practice rounds.

    Im a couple sub 30 rounds from hitting legend and I have less than 250 ranked rounds and maybe 5 practice rounds. I was fortunate enough to meet some great people early on who taught me how to play the game. I also joined a CC that was full of great people who shared alot with me. Ive played probly 250 AS and MPC rounds also. Watching others play and learning from players better than you is the key.

    Ive also read hundred and hundreds of threads in these forums of when and how to hit shots.

    There are plenty of resources around all of us to improve our games.

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Wed, May 23 2012 9:58 PM

    First "BeachedMulligan"....CONGRATS on earning the "LEGEND" tier.  I meant no disrespect to ANY of the WGT members who have become "Legends".

    I think YOU are in a "very small group - maybe 2%" of LEGENDS who have made it that far on so FEW "ranked rounds". 

    Though only a WGT member for 4-1/2 months...I remember using ONLY "starter equipment and balls the first 6 weeks+"....definitely a disadvantage!  This site is "designed" (in many, many ways) for players to be forced to "upgrade" to the BEST possible golf equipment WGT's Pro Shop has to offer.  But, to do that, you have to "level up"...they won't unlock that equipment until you reach certain "levels".

    But, I know you're right, there are MANY resources for learning and improving your game here on WGT.  But, you have to KNOW.......WGT sure would "prefer" that members hit those 2,000 plus "ranked rounds" to get to LEGEND....that way, they can sell a TON of balls!!!  And, I think if we could see WGT's STATS....they would reveal, that the "average" LEGEND really did hit between 1,500 & 2,000 "ranked rounds" (and that no telling how many "practice rounds" and "do overs")...I feel they have the STATS on everything.

    Personally, I don't use the "blue triangle putting tool".....though, I have to admit, the "moving grid" does help me "read the greens"......without that, on a computer screen, all of the greens might just appear to be FLAT.  So much of this WGT golfing game is just MATH.....not golf.  Some members have use "calculations" and what not.....just various "tools" that you just wouldn't use on a REAL golf course.  Well, I know, it's a "computer game"....but, there's almost too much IT injected into this thing.  Like...missing balls...that end up in "weeds" or where in "REAL GOLF", you'd just walk over and find your ball.

    Like I said........I DO agree with what you have said....but, to be a LEGEND with ONLY 250 ranked next to "impossible" for 98% of all WGT members...just my opinion though.

  • alosso
    21,086 Posts
    Thu, May 24 2012 1:46 AM


    Like I said........I DO agree with what you have said....but, to be a LEGEND with ONLY 250 ranked next to "impossible" for 98% of all WGT members...just my opinion though.


    Quite a few longtime players have been promoted Legend when the Level & Tier systems were redesigned. Some of them can be spotted by the low level they have, granting them problems now because the "Legend" equipment is blocked away from them.

    You might see in some score histories that they never played a game as Tour Master.

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Thu, May 24 2012 6:47 AM

    Agreed Bob and thanks for the comments. 

    I dont see putting as a math problem at all though. Yes its calculations based on speed/break etc etc. But so is walking down the street and walking around a tree or off a curb. Your mind isnt doing any calculations though, its simply a feel you have to aquire. I'm not master with the putter in this game, but I have done ok so far. Once you aquire the feel of the putter, the game starts to become alot easier. Sometime when I was a master it all clicked for me and the Tour Master level was quite easy for me. To be honest I think it should be harder to get to Legend and I agree it should take more like 1500-2000 ranked rounds. 

    I soon will have legend next to my name and I am in no way close to competing with the best players in this game. 

    Once "Bill" the Master learns how the balls come off his clubs in this game it comes down to one thing...putting. This game is a putting competition, everyone Master and below should focus on that the hardest. Approach shots will come naturally over time. You dont need to ding your shot everytime to be within 3-4 yards of the pin, you do need to sink your putt from that 3-4 yards though if you want to progress. 


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Thu, May 24 2012 6:52 AM


    First "BeachedMulligan"....CONGRATS on earning the "LEGEND" tier.  I meant no disrespect to ANY of the WGT members who have become "Legends".

    I think YOU are in a "very small group - maybe 2%" of LEGENDS who have made it that far on so FEW "ranked rounds". 

    Though only a WGT member for 4-1/2 months...I remember using ONLY "starter equipment and balls the first 6 weeks+"....definitely a disadvantage!  This site is "designed" (in many, many ways) for players to be forced to "upgrade" to the BEST possible golf equipment WGT's Pro Shop has to offer.  But, to do that, you have to "level up"...they won't unlock that equipment until you reach certain "levels".

    But, I know you're right, there are MANY resources for learning and improving your game here on WGT.  But, you have to KNOW.......WGT sure would "prefer" that members hit those 2,000 plus "ranked rounds" to get to LEGEND....that way, they can sell a TON of balls!!!  And, I think if we could see WGT's STATS....they would reveal, that the "average" LEGEND really did hit between 1,500 & 2,000 "ranked rounds" (and that no telling how many "practice rounds" and "do overs")...I feel they have the STATS on everything.

    Personally, I don't use the "blue triangle putting tool".....though, I have to admit, the "moving grid" does help me "read the greens"......without that, on a computer screen, all of the greens might just appear to be FLAT.  So much of this WGT golfing game is just MATH.....not golf.  Some members have use "calculations" and what not.....just various "tools" that you just wouldn't use on a REAL golf course.  Well, I know, it's a "computer game"....but, there's almost too much IT injected into this thing.  Like...missing balls...that end up in "weeds" or where in "REAL GOLF", you'd just walk over and find your ball.

    Like I said........I DO agree with what you have said....but, to be a LEGEND with ONLY 250 ranked next to "impossible" for 98% of all WGT members...just my opinion though.

    When I watch pro golf the player and caddie are doing nothing but math pre-shot to calculate the wind and elevation effect on the next shot all the time. They and we are effectively throwing darts in the wind up or down hill to end up as close to the hole as possible for our birdie putts. I've learned the math game reading posts from the best players here and it's helped my scores get lower dramatically. Playing a round with nothing but 10 foot birdie putts or closer is incredibly rewarding. The math game makes it possible.

  • bearclaw27
    553 Posts
    Thu, May 24 2012 3:15 PM


    bearclaw27.....with all due respect.  You've been a WGT member for 20 months now...and are at the "Tour Master" tier.  You've played just over 1,000 "ranked rounds"....but, how many "practice rounds"?  You have an R11 Driver & L59 Ping Irons in your SHOULD have low scores @ Olympic!


    Firstly, to answer your question, I never play practice rounds..Also, I rarely quit then restart a round....As for Olympic, I've shot several 63's in the qualifier, but that seems to be as low as i can go right now..I don't really care though, cause I simply enjoy the process of trying to grind out the best round possible...

    As for my clubs: My irons don't spin well enough to stop the ball on Olympics greens..I'm pretty sure that  95% of all the players below the current cut line are using the Burners', or the R11 irons..


  • gatordee
    281 Posts
    Thu, May 24 2012 4:10 PM

    It is hilarious to read all these comments made from grown men about a VIDEO game. And the ways people look for an opening where they can brag on their play while at the same time acting as if they are modest is just too funny. This game is NO different than the Play Station sports games. It does not make you an athlete. You can always find a negative post about the game and to see the enjoyment that some people get with their sarcastic remarks really shows you the type of person they are. Amazing what some people say and do to help them feel more confident or better about themselves or even a part of something. The numbers on this game mean VERY little because they can be manipulated a great deal.  I know a bunch of you are licking your chops and cannot wait to lay into this post so have at it. But negative or sarcastic remarks hold no ground when they are being typed. Off to the gym, had a 1 week layoff and can really feel it. Weighed my finger today and got a measurement. Lost 4 grams while adding %3 more finger fat.

  • BeachedMulligan
    1,238 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 7:36 AM

    You seem depressed man. Goddamn

  • JaLaBar
    1,254 Posts
    Fri, May 25 2012 8:01 AM

    I'm a Legend, and though I've been here over a year now, I'm far from the 1000s of rounds (654).  I'd love to qualify for the Open, and I'm giving it a shot, but a great deal of the enjoyment isn't about qualifying, it's learning the new track.  Thus far my best in qualifying is a 62.  I'm struggling with the front 9 a lot.  The lowest I have gone is 30 on the front, which is only -4.  I've gone -7 29 on the back.


    I will say this about Olympic.  It is by far the hardest course in our catalog off the tees.  Nearly every other hole is either tree threatened or a drastic elevation +\- or a landing zone that wants to toss your ball in the rough in the worst way.  Have to play intentional hooks and slices here.  It's also IMO second to Congress in the attractiveness of the course (sightlines, etc.), and while the greens aren't Oakmontish (and are very slow for tournament speed), overall the course may be the most challenging for making shots of the 7 photo-realistic courses.

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Mon, May 28 2012 10:47 PM


    I'm a Legend, and though I've been here over a year now, I'm far from the 1000s of rounds (654).  I'd love to qualify for the Open, and I'm giving it a shot, but a great deal of the enjoyment isn't about qualifying, it's learning the new track.  Thus far my best in qualifying is a 62.  I'm struggling with the front 9 a lot.  The lowest I have gone is 30 on the front, which is only -4.  I've gone -7 29 on the back.


    I will say this about Olympic.  It is by far the hardest course in our catalog off the tees.  Nearly every other hole is either tree threatened or a drastic elevation +\- or a landing zone that wants to toss your ball in the rough in the worst way.  Have to play intentional hooks and slices here.  It's also IMO second to Congress in the attractiveness of the course (sightlines, etc.), and while the greens aren't Oakmontish (and are very slow for tournament speed), overall the course may be the most challenging for making shots of the 7 photo-realistic courses.

    I thought I had a chance to score in the 50's last night., at Olympic. I'm like 9- & I get to #16 you know the par 5.

    So I have this 14 mph cross wind L/R ok? So I drives it hit the hook draw good I thought,,,BAMM hits a branch knocks down 60 yrds.Some stupid tree that I didn't take into account on the RIGHT!   I tried to punch outta jail but, the next shot just could not make it up to get up & shot a 7 on that hole.

    At this point i'm thinking wtf? Never took into account a tree there  I suppose. Seriously, I don't expect to qualify for the open? But I can say right now that I'm really one discouraged camper, freaking useing up these 5 dollar balls for this kinda crap.

    Just venting & I'll keep slammin but,,,Just awful aggrevating. Guess I'm gonna notice the tree next time idk lol,,crap.

    But I have to agree that Olympic is almost as challenging as Oakmont, maybe it's a coin flipper imo. Thanks for the rant & hit em well.