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Why cheat WGT ( part 2 )

Thu, Apr 15 2010 2:56 PM (55 replies)
  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 3:20 PM


    You've lost me. I don't know how that, impressive though it is , is relevant to the discussion?

    I'm simply showing how many low scores are achieved in this game without the aid of cheating, and I don't consider myself anywhere close to the top players here (many of whom I've played).

    Practically all the top scorers are that good due to superior putting.   You add in superior putting with approach averages similar to what I posted, you get the insanely low scores.

    Do people attempt to cheat the system?   Of course.  

    But 98% of these types of threads are indirect accusations of cheating towards the people who are the top earners in this game.

    Now, the release of the MPC did change things since it is straight up gambling, and I've posted my concerns over that when it was released (a simple search would find it). 

  • lfclegends
    20 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 3:42 PM
    I agree. The issue does merit an open and mature discussion though. Attempts to say it doesn't exist as I've read on other threads do everyone's intelligence a disservice.
  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 3:56 PM


    While I certainly don't believe that cheating is a common practice here, nor do I believe that the top players here cheat, the OP has a valid point.


    As I have no dog in this fight (had enough the first time) I would like to ask a question for my naive self. Who is benefiting from this? No names, just a little proof of who stands to gain what. Conjecture doesn't cut it.


    I'm not sure I understand your point YJ.  You may have quoted the wrong part of my post or something.  Who benefits?  I'm not sure.  Again, I'm certain the well respected, well known players here who shoot low, play thousands of rounds, and participate in the forums are NOT engaged in cheating.  That said, I'm sure there are are tens of thousands of MPC's going on daily by faceless members who are not part of the "community".  If this is the case, and cheats are indeed available, (which I believe they are) then the question of "who benefits" becomes rhetorical.  If you are referring to my friend, I will let you know in two weeks!  He works for the computer crimes division of a major metropolitan police department, so I am assuming his PC knowledge is immense.  As I alluded to in a post last month, I am not talking about aim-bots or meter slowing software here....  He describes the ability to click and drag the golf ball to any location on the course.  I will let you (and WGT) know as soon as I see it.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 4:03 PM
    If cheating is possible, so be it. However what is the gain to do so here? What are the spoils? Where is the treasure? The majority of the high value prizes are by a drawing of participant names, regardless of excellence in play. There is, as to be expected, a competition of nature in the higher level of this game. Nevertheless, if one cheated game after game, after game, after game, etc., to do what? Beat another cheater? Win some more credits that are of no more use because every club and ball is already in the bag? And to continue playing in this manner, day after day to insure that you are still the best cheater? Such notions are absolutely preposterious.
  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 4:25 PM

    If cheating is possible, so be it. However what is the gain to do so here? What are the spoils? Where is the treasure? The majority of the high value prizes are by a drawing of participant names, regardless of excellence in play. There is, as to be expected, a competition of nature in the higher level of this game. Nevertheless, if one cheated game after game, after game, after game, etc., to do what? Beat another cheater? Win some more credits that are of no more use because every club and ball is already in the bag? And to continue playing in this manner, day after day to insure that you are still the best cheater? Such notions are absolutely preposterious.


    Apparently, you don't fully understand the nature of cheating video games and the cheaters that do it.  Why in the world would anyone cheat Super Mario Cart?  Not sure, but it happens every day in countless dimly lit basements by guys who like to cheat video games.  To say that cheating WGT is preposterous is truly silly.


  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 4:37 PM

    Apparently, you don't fully understand the nature of cheating video games

    Now it is of a greater interest to me. Please Mr. GCop, enlighten me with your superior knowledge. Please, indulge me. I love advanced insight. Please be convincing.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 4:39 PM

    I'm not sure I understand your point YJ.

    It was meant to reference the OP's point and acknowledge yours. SP laid it out pretty good although preposterous might be a little strong. I was just curious about what there was to gain other than saying "I win."

     Personally, I don't get it but I'm fascinated by what your colleague is on to. How cool is that? The cops are onto you cheating types and GC's got the connection. You're all getting busted. Yay!  :-D

  • MadMelfromHell
    2 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 4:56 PM
    OK Guys, Here's the dope. I'm new, I'm pro (very recently). I drive good, and really suck at putting. I've never picked up a real club (though now,I'm likely to). I love this VR game and cried when "Lefty kissed his wife". I paid my money and took my chances and cheating doesn't cross my mind. HELLO love of the game mean anything here. I beg of you that don't have a life, or are too rich to enjoy it, PLEASE DON"T F@%$ IT UP. You wanna battle, do it somewhere else PLEASE!!!. Meanwhile, can someone help me figure out this putt meter?
  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 7:23 PM


    Apparently, you don't fully understand the nature of cheating video games

    Now it is of a greater interest to me. Please Mr. GCop, enlighten me with your superior knowledge. Please, indulge me. I love advanced insight. Please be convincing.

    Hello GCop...are you there? Enlighten made comments, please back them up with your knowledge that is by your tone, advanced.

  • Brusc0
    1 Posts
    Mon, Apr 12 2010 11:52 PM

    I have not seen any for of cheating,  I thoroughly enjoy this game and glad I found you guys!