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Why cheat WGT ( part 2 )

Thu, Apr 15 2010 2:56 PM (55 replies)
  • borntobesting
    9,684 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 10:03 AM

    Let me an average player who plays well some days and lousy others. Is it possible to cheat? Maybe but to cheat enough to win big you would have to do more than just have a program that dinged the meter. Because just dinging the meter does make a perfect shot. There are too many variables like wind speed and direction. Green speeds and the like.To cheat enough to win big you would at least in my opinion have to physical alter WGT's code and if you did that flags would go up very quickly. Oh a hacker could do it but the way WGT monitors things here the player wouldn't last long. 

    Face it those of you who are crying about the top player cheating. They are the top players because they have worked hard practiced and have learned which shots work and which shot don't. And with so few stroke play courses and so few pin placements they have come to know just where to hit the shots to have the best scores. And have either spent their own money or used their winnings to buy the best equipment to get better.




  • lfclegends
    20 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 10:14 AM
    I don't think anyone here is complaining about cheating. And I hope nobody is accusing anyone else of cheating. I know for a fact that it is possible and so to say it doesn't happen at all is naive. My aim is to bring the issue out into the open and have a discussion about it.
    337 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 10:34 AM

    I know for a fact that it is possible.

    Fine...tell us how it is possible in exact details.

    Seriously, if I knew what you knew I would be broadcasting it loud and clear.

    What we need is one honest individual to man up...and by doing so help everyone out.

  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 10:54 AM

    OK Guys, Here's the dope. I'm new, I'm pro (very recently). I drive good, and really suck at putting. I've never picked up a real club (though now,I'm likely to). I love this VR game and cried when "Lefty kissed his wife". I paid my money and took my chances and cheating doesn't cross my mind. HELLO love of the game mean anything here. I beg of you that don't have a life, or are too rich to enjoy it, PLEASE DON"T F@%$ IT UP. You wanna battle, do it somewhere else PLEASE!!!. Meanwhile, can someone help me figure out this putt meter?

    Read the putting tips in the FAQs column. It was written by one of the best players here and will assist you. Upgrade to a quality putter and practice, practice, practice.

  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 11:56 AM



    Apparently, you don't fully understand the nature of cheating video games

    Now it is of a greater interest to me. Please Mr. GCop, enlighten me with your superior knowledge. Please, indulge me. I love advanced insight. Please be convincing.

    Hello GCop...are you there? Enlighten made comments, please back them up with your knowledge that is by your tone, advanced.



    What the hell are you talking about?  Enlighten you with what?  My posts are self-explanatory.  If you cannot grasp the concept that there are video game cheats out there who cheat just to cheat.....thats on you.  I'm not going to try to explain the psychological methodology behind it cause I don't know.  You guys that become so incensed with the topic of cheating bring up the same ad-hominem every time.  "there is nothing to gain! why would anyone cheat?"  Gamers cheat games because it is fun for them.


    To the rest of you screaming for proof, read my posts.  I will do my best to provide proof in a couple of weeks.

    I will say this.  This topic piqued my interest in what my friend had stated.  I had a very brief conversation with him last night.  He made it clear that anyone with code-writing abilities can cheat or manipulate any game online with ease.  He stated one of the quickest and easiest methods to use for this game in particular would be to "log the code" of your own game.......  meaning a good player who birdies a particular hole can copy the code that enabled the birdie.  Thus utilizing the code over again on the same hole whenever needed.

    Again, I don't know *** about computers or cheating.... I am paraphrasing a conversation I had last night.  


    Furthermore, I have never whined about cheaters, and will clearly state again that I do not believe the well known players here utilize cheats.


    337 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 12:16 PM
    I got what you were talking about G-Cop...can't speak for SP remark above goes to that particular member.
  • ghettocop1
    259 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 12:38 PM

    I got what you were talking about G-Cop...can't speak for SP remark above goes to that particular member.


    I understand.  No worries.


  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 4:00 PM

    I believe our top Master players are that good!

    When I started, it was skeptical of these players.  Now, after nearly a year, I'm convinced those low scores are legitimate.  How do I know this?  I just recently posted my first 29 with free golf balls.  Just think what I could do if I had talent, played more, practiced more, learned every aspect of this game, knew how to fully optimize my computer system, and used only the very best virtual equipment available.


  • lfclegends
    20 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 4:14 PM


    I know for a fact that it is possible.



    Fine...tell us how it is possible in exact details.

    Seriously, if I knew what you knew I would be broadcasting it loud and clear.

    What we need is one honest individual to man up...and by doing so help everyone out.


    Sure. But from your post you seem to be intimating that because I know how it can be done I am cheating. This is not the case. If you read my first post on this thread it will explain a lot.

    Furthermore, Like the OP I do not wish to enable nor encourage anyone to cheat.

    Again, My experiment was with a simple mouse macro. Nothing as sopisticated as GC's friend I'm afraid. I proved to myself that it could be done and I left it at that.

    So now, when someone who should know better rants and raves about how it's not possible and noone would anyway I can rely on facts and experience instead of conjecture and ignorance

  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Tue, Apr 13 2010 4:25 PM

    Just curious ... did you do better or worse using the mouse macro than playing it straight ???