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A new ranking system to further motivate players.

Thu, May 31 2012 8:41 PM (21 replies)
  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 2:30 AM

    As it stands, there is no ranking system in wgt, except the one that genorb periodically updates for top 100 legends. I believe wgt should introduce a rank number for every player, based on his or her average and other relevant variables, like the number of rounds played within a given tier, and the relative difficulty of these rounds. This rank number would appear next to a player's name, but also in a complete list of wgt players, presented in descending order, from first to last, according to their respective ranks.

    All this would further motivate players to be more competitive, and perform better, to achieve a higher rank.

  • hbthree
    478 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 9:13 AM

    What I would enjoy seeing is the ability to look at stats over varying periods of time/rounds/ it stands today, one's stats are for "all time" and across all tiers reached.  It would be excellent to retrieve stats for various time frames; rounds played and, or by tier...for example:


    * last 100 rounds

    *last 3 months

    *since reaching Legend

    *etc, etc



  • mmikkeelee
    591 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 2:13 PM

    i like the idea but i also agree it wont happen.

    i do think its time for wgt to add a new tier though. its some thing they will have to introduce sooner or later,

    tour legend with clubs only available to them players.... :)

  • G0LD
    358 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 2:39 PM

    Thanks for the feedback, folks. 


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 2:46 PM

    Diamond Legend. Any one with an average below 60, not 60, but below, has earned this status. They should have equipment available only to them (at very reasonable cost). They should have tournaments where the sandbaggers and multis can't enter. They should be highly rewarded by WGT for setting the standard and bringing on thousands of new money spending members to try to reach that status. I'll never be there, but I'll back these great players all I can. Are ya listening WGT?

  • bigdaddie1
    2,694 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 3:04 PM


    Diamond Legend. Any one with an average below 60, not 60, but below, has earned this status. They should have equipment available only to them (at very reasonable cost). They should have tournaments where the sandbaggers and multis can't enter. They should be highly rewarded by WGT for setting the standard and bringing on thousands of new money spending members to try to reach that status. I'll never be there, but I'll back these great players all I can. Are ya listening WGT?





    What he just said. There are truly superior players in this game, and they deserve all the respect that WGT could possible offer them.

    And that would include special tournaments for LEGENDS under a 60 average only!

    I am not, nor will I ever be one of those elite members, but give them their just reward!!!!

    I have played with many of these people, and they are awesome, to say the least.

    My nickle.


  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 3:17 PM

    Diamond Legend. Any one with an average below 60, not 60, but below, has earned this status.

    Presumably it would also require a minimum number of ranked rounds at legend tier as part of the qualification criteria?

    Just a thought......

  • saltiresfan
    2,266 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 3:23 PM

    Surely the current open qualifier is basically a legend tournament where sandbaggers and multi-accounters gain no advantage as everyone plays the same tees and green speeds.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Wed, May 30 2012 4:12 PM


    we have looked at this before; however, there is no system that we thought would even come close to deciding who is in the top 100.
