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Golf Balls

Sun, Jun 3 2012 10:02 PM (21 replies)
  • ChanceSTG
    19 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 1:02 PM

    I think there should be a way that if during a round your ball needs replaced, you should be able to pick which ball you want to use in your equipment. I'm tired of getting a starter ball when I have multiple other balls in my bag. Especially during a challenge match. Please look into fixing this.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 1:36 PM

    WGT use the one ball rule as used in most tournaments. It doesn't need fixing.


    It's explained pretty well here.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 1:46 PM

    Rules 15-1 and 15-2 explain that the player must complete play of the hole with the ball with which he began the hole unless he is proceeding under a Rule that permits him to substitute a ball. The player may change balls between the play of two holes as well. 

    Rules 26-1 (Water Hazard Rule), 27-1 (Ball Lost or Out of Bounds) and 28 (Ball Unplayable) are examples of Rules that permit the player to substitute another ball. Rule 5-3 permits a player to substitute another ball during the play of a hole when his original ball has become unfit for play during the play of that hole. Other Rules (e.g. Rule 18, Rule 24, and Rule 25-1) permit the player to substitute another ball only if the original ball is not immediately recoverable. 

    Note that Rule 16-1b, the Rule that allows the player to lift his ball from the putting green, does not permit the player to substitute another ball; this precludes the player from substituting a “putting ball.” 

    A player who substitutes another ball when not permitted to do so incurs the general penalty (loss of hole in match play or a two stroke penalty in stroke play) under the applicable Rule. For instance, a player taking relief, without penalty, under Rule 25-1 due to interference from ground under repair is required to do so with the original ball (unless it is not immediately recoverable). If that player substitutes a ball (and makes a stroke with it) when his original ball is immediately recoverable he incurs the general penalty under Rule 25-1 (as it is the applicable Rule in this case). 

    When changing balls, the player is permitted to substitute a ball of another brand or type unless the Committee has adopted the One Ball Condition of Competition (see Appendix I; Part C; Section 1c). This optional condition (usually referred to as ‘The One Ball Rule’) is generally adopted only in eventsthat are limited to professional golfers or highly-skilled amateur golfers. Generally, this condition of competition is not adopted in club-level competitions.

  • ChanceSTG
    19 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 2:11 PM

    Didn't need a rule breakdown...if it automatically changes from a nike to a wgt starter ball(different ball) , there's obviously no reason you cant change to another ball that plays somewhat like the one that ran out of durability. It's virtual golf not the PGA Tour

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 9:07 PM

    You get loads of reminders about being on the last ball. Just carry more in your bag of the same type. Or you can even buy more during the round now.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 10:42 PM

    It's virtual golf not the PGA Tour
    I think that's the point which matters:

    We're supposed to play like a virtual PGA Tour. The course set-ups prove it, OLY #1 and BPB #? come into mind, both set up as Par 4s though they are Par 5s in RL regular play.

    The one ball rule is another clue. Additionally it takes a possible "option point" out of the game (programming issue? speed-of-game issue (in MP games)?).

    Other options you cannot take include the various dropping options when you hit water.

  • shloopers
    18 Posts
    Thu, May 31 2012 11:27 PM

    Reimburse players for lost time and ball wear when WGT has unannounced outages.  WGT has had 3 outages while I was playing in the last 10 days... lost time with no level credit, lost wear on expensive golf balls, question playing past 10pm for fear of having it be all for nothing.

  • MarceGilmore
    4 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 7:29 PM

    It's not a one ball rule.  If I run out of balls it goes to the standard ball how is that a one ball rule?



  • MarceGilmore
    4 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 7:32 PM

    Or at least a ball that is not a starter ball if you have different balls in  your bag it is not the pga and were changing balls anyway.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 9:48 PM


    It's not a one ball rule.  If I run out of balls it goes to the standard ball how is that a one ball rule?




    It's that or being disqualified. It's WGT being nice.