SGTBilko:It's called the "one ball condition" (in the rulebook, it's in Appendix 1, Part C), more commonly known as the "one ball rule."
If I start with a Nike, and finish up with a starter ball, that is TWO balls.
Like I said, I really don't care whether or not we can use one ball type, two ball types, or a bucket of random balls.
My point is, according to the rules which you seem so fond of quoting chapter and verse, If you can change to starter balls, then you can change to any type. If
you can't change to any type, then you can't change to starter balls
Why is this difficult to understand?
Let me reiterate: I don't care if they only allow pink ladies and whiffle balls.
My problem with this conversation is the assumption that WGT is following the rulebook, which it clearly is not.
"One ball" means one ball. "One ball" does not mean two balls, (unless you're my high school history teacher, Mr. Putnam who had testicular cancer and felt it was appropriate to let our class know that he had one prosthetic testicle - In that case, one ball equals two, but not in golf, not even for old one-nut Putnam.)
If WGT wants to use the one ball rule, great, but that means one ball. If they choose to modify the one ball rule and allow a second ball type of their choosing (starter ball), that's fine too, but let's call it something else, because calling it the "One Ball Rule" seems a little stupid when there is a second ball.