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Golf Balls

Sun, Jun 3 2012 10:02 PM (21 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Fri, Jun 1 2012 11:30 PM

    Wgt uses the same rule as real golf....  you can't change balls within rounds.

    Just ask John Daly recently in Australia when he had to go home after hitting all his balls in the

    Actually if you have the credits, there is no excuse for running out of golf balls... every time you start the game screen for the first time you play.. it will show how many golf balls you have left in your bag.

    If it says 1 ball left and if you have credits to use... then buy more.... Easy :)



  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 12:33 AM


    Wgt uses the same rule as real golf....  you can't change balls within rounds.

    Just ask John Daly recently in Australia when he had to go home after hitting all his balls in the

    Pardon me:

    The "one ball rule" is not in the Rules of Golf but in the individual tournament or tour conditions such as the PGA Tour.

    And the Daly incident was a double one. Only 2 weeks before Sydney he "practiced" the same thing in a tournament in Austria (Europe), deliberately hitting all his balls into a lake.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 9:00 AM


    The "one ball rule" is not in the Rules of Golf but in the individual tournament or tour conditions such as the PGA Tour.

    Right. And the current rule as applied here is a condition of the World Golf Tour. The particular match format doesn't matter, be it challenge match, CTTH, ready-go or other game. It is a rule of the tour.

    I totally agree with those who put the burden back on the player to make sure his/her bag is stocked properly BEFORE he/she tees off. Personally I make sure I have at least a dozen of the ball I want to play in the bag before I start. I do the same thing when I play in real life.

    If I have a few of some other ball (either a former ball I used or a new sleeve I want to try) I use them up in things like free CTTH sweeps or solo practice rounds where I haven't invested green fees and the outcome of the game at hand isn't that important.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 9:08 AM



    Wgt uses the same rule as real golf....  you can't change balls within rounds.

    Just ask John Daly recently in Australia when he had to go home after hitting all his balls in the

    Pardon me:

    The "one ball rule" is not in the Rules of Golf but in the individual tournament or tour conditions such as the PGA Tour.

    And the Daly incident was a double one. Only 2 weeks before Sydney he "practiced" the same thing in a tournament in Austria (Europe), deliberately hitting all his balls into a lake.

    Thus WGT has invoked that rule. Move along, nothing to see here people.

  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 10:15 AM

    Thus WGT has invoked that rule. Move along, nothing to see here people.

    WGT has not invoked that rule. There is no clause in the rulebook that allows for a governing body of a tournament or tour to specify that a replacement ball can be of only one different type (starter ball)

    You either abide by the rules as they're written, or you don't. In this case, WGT did not.

    There is no "Being nice" about it. If you can change to starter balls, then you can change to any type. If you can't change to any type, then you can't change to starter balls either.

    The rules are clearly written, there is no gray area.

    It is what it is. I don't care either way, but let's not pretend we're following the rulebook when clearly we are not.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 10:51 AM


    Thus WGT has invoked that rule. Move along, nothing to see here people.

    WGT has not invoked that rule. There is no clause in the rulebook that allows for a governing body of a tournament or tour to specify that a replacement ball can be of only one different type (starter ball)

    You either abide by the rules as they're written, or you don't. In this case, WGT did not.

    There is no "Being nice" about it. If you can change to starter balls, then you can change to any type. If you can't change to any type, then you can't change to starter balls either.

    The rules are clearly written, there is no gray area.

    It is what it is. I don't care either way, but let's not pretend we're following the rulebook when clearly we are not.


    Yes there is nothing in the Rules of Golf that prevents a golfer from switching to a different brand of golf ball (i.e., from a Titleist to a Bridgestone) on every hole on the course - so long as the change is made between the play of holes.

    However, there is something in the Rules of Golf that says a tournament committee canimpose such a rule.

    It's called the "one ball condition" (in the rulebook, it's in Appendix 1, Part C), more commonly known as the "one ball rule." As you probably know, all Tour events are played under the "one ball rule." And any rules committee may adopt the "one ball rule" for its competitions.

    The "one ball condition" requires the player to use the exact same brand and type of ball throughout the round. For example, if you tee off the first hole with a Titleist Pro V1x, then that's what you must play throughout the round. You may not switch to any other brand of ball, nor even to any other type of Titleist ball. You started with the Pro V1x, so the Pro V1x is what you must use on every stroke.

    WGT has said very early on here on the forum that the one rule ball is in effect here. The governing rules of USGA do apply since the provision is authorized by them. WGT has always stated that they attempt to comply with all USGA governing rules and provisions. So clearly we are.....


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 11:18 AM

    To those who want to argue that the Rules of Golf version of the one ball rule should be enforced strictly or not enforced at all, be careful what you ask for. You may find yourself being disqualified and disconnected from a game every time you run out of a particular ball.

    This is a video game, not a real life golf game. Certain accommodations have to be allowed for that. Would you really prefer to be dq'd and thrown out because you failed to stock your bag properly or be allowed the opportunity to finish with the default ball ?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 11:31 AM


    This is a video game, not a real life golf game. Certain accommodations have to be allowed for that. Would you really prefer to be dq'd and thrown out because you failed to stock your bag properly or be allowed the opportunity to finish with the default ball ?

    Correct & agreed!

    It is like it is, this video game is not under the legislative of R&A or USGA. It's their rules even if they look like the RoG in some places.

  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 1:25 PM

    It's called the "one ball condition" (in the rulebook, it's in Appendix 1, Part C), more commonly known as the "one ball rule."

    If I start with a Nike, and finish up with a starter ball, that is TWO balls.

    Like I said, I really don't care whether or not we can use one ball type, two ball types, or a bucket of random balls.

    My point is, according to the rules which you seem so fond of quoting chapter and verse, If you can change to starter balls, then you can change to any type. If you can't change to any type, then you can't change to starter balls either.

    Why is this difficult to understand?

    Let me reiterate: I don't care if they only allow pink ladies and whiffle balls.

    My problem with this conversation is the assumption that WGT is following the rulebook, which it clearly is not.

    "One ball" means one ball. "One ball" does not mean two balls, (unless you're my high school history teacher, Mr. Putnam who had testicular cancer and felt it was appropriate to let our class know that he had one prosthetic testicle - In that case, one ball equals two, but not in golf, not even for old one-nut Putnam.)

    If WGT wants to use the one ball rule, great, but that means one ball. If they choose to modify the one ball rule and allow a second ball type of their choosing (starter ball), that's fine too, but let's call it something else, because calling it the "One Ball Rule" seems a little stupid when there is a second ball.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Jun 2 2012 1:52 PM

    If WGT wants to call it a "One Ball Rule" it's entirely their choice. If they want to adapt it to fit their wants, needs and limitations that's their choice, too. People just need to realize that while WGT tries to get it close to the Rules of Golf they can't comply to the letter of the law when programming a computer game.

    "A little stupid" to call it a "One Ball Rule"? Maybe. Not any worse than those who call this a golf game like it is real life and try to apply the same rules as if it is.

    With apologies to Dr. Suess, we're not Gerald McGrew and we don't run this zoo.