How about a Super Legend Tier...for all those Legends that never(or rarely ever) shoot anything over 29 on 9 holes(36stroke) and anything over 58-59 on 18holes(72stroke).
Honestly, the fun and adventure that once was in WGT in the weekly and monthly tournies has gone completely! Within 2-3days of a comps start, the leaderboard is -17 or better....with leaders at -20 or better. Cadillac Classic is prime example...just put in and already top 5/6 players are -20??!!!
Time has come to put them all with each other and let the normal players have a chance at winning.
And, I am not saying anything about "programs"...but...if the shoe fits.....and don't tell me there are no "programs" being used, it has been caught and documented if that is your comment, stick where it the trash.