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On the Green

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Wed, Jun 6 2012 8:00 AM (14 replies)
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  • wyatt1969
    27 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 5:01 AM

    You need to have forward and backspin on your wedges, it part of the game to be able to chip off of the green.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 10:30 AM

    Using a wedge on the green is part of the game. Being able to apply enough force for backspin is not. That would require a longer shot and/or a divot.

  • NukeRat
    325 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 12:41 PM

    Is it Legal in the PGA?  Sure, but that does not mean a rule change would not take affect if the pro's started tearing up greens trying to apply backspin to a shot on the green with a wedge.  I could be wrong, it would certainly not be the first time or last, but I think that the PGA would do a rule change if this were happening with any consistency at all.  Just my humble opinion.  


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 1:15 PM

    You will show me the divots left on WGTs greens after the players left them, won't you?

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 1:45 PM


    You will show me the divots left on WGTs greens after the players left them, won't you?

    Has nothing to do with divots being left on WGT greens. It has to do with realism.

    The argument up to this point was whether or not to allow people to use wedges on the greens. The shot is legal and should be allowed. Allowing such a shot makes WGT that much more realistic. Allowing people to put unrealistic spin on those shots defeats that purpose. Rather than do a huge amount of calculating and programming, WGT simply made the game more realistic by taking the spin adjustment out of those shots. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 3:37 PM

    Sorry, Nuke introduced Pros and divots on real greens here. That's not realism but reality.

    In this simulation I see the complaints behind this change rather than realism: Take these shots out of the game without forbidding them.


  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 3:46 PM

    I think you can chalk this one up to a "Local Rule".   Atleast you are still able to use a wedge if you need/want too,  they just placed the no spin as a Local Rule of their game.


    That's how I look at it anyway.


  • NukeRat
    325 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 5:41 PM

    I am not quite sure what your stance is on this Alosso. lol  I apologize if I was misunderstood or said something that did not make since.  What I was trying to convey was really a point to those that claim, "it is legal in the PGA to use wedges with backspin so it should be legal here."  

    The point I was trying to get across was that if the pro's used wedges on the greens all the time or with any regularity at all and with a bunch of bs, that you may very well see a rule change there.  Like the rule change we seen here.  WGT did not eliminate the use of wedges on the greens, just the use of backspin and topspin.  

    That all I was trying to say and it was just my humble opinion.  I am still trying to figure out whether or not you are in favor of the rule change here or not.  It actually makes no difference to me.  I have never chipped on the greens and have no intention to ever do so.  That is not to say I do not think others should not be able to.  It is completely up to them how they want to play.  To each their own in that respect.  I was just commenting on the replies with regards to no backspin here when it is legal in real life.  Thats all.

    Again, this is all just my opinion.  Good luck to you all and thank you for your time my friends.


  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 8:28 PM

    Nuke- I see your point and have often pointed out that using a wedge on the green is legal and should be allowed. However, if even Phil Mickelson has to flop them on the green and can't impart much backspin in real life then being able to put backspin on them here is not in line with the realism that WGT appears to be striving for. 

    Yes, in real life it is legal to hit a wedge with backspin on a green. It's also legal to hit a 545 yard pitching wedge off the tee or a flop shot with a putter but legal doesn't mean it should be implemented by the programmers if it's not that realistic of a shot.

    Given enough time the cream will rise to the top. A few truly great wedge players around here will figure out the right combinations and pull off the shot like the top PGA players, using it when it's needed. After all, it is a shot that is not used all that often in real life and very few people can pull off consistently. Why should this game be any different if approximating real life is one of the stated goals?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 9:41 PM


    I am not quite sure what your stance is on this Alosso. lol  I apologize if I was misunderstood or said something that did not make since.

    No prob Nuke, now I get your point better than before.

    't was only a little difficult to have so. else object to my reply on your argument.


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