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Aim markers under cameras

Tue, Jun 5 2012 3:21 PM (8 replies)
  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 1:14 PM

    Would there be a way around placing the aim markers inconveniently underneath the fairway cameras in Alternate shot games do you think?

    It's really annoying when you go to move it and end up being flipped to that particular camera view.

    This does not happen in single play, just Alternate shot. I know it doesn't seem much, but I bet I'm not the only one who thinks it, even if there will be twenty posts telling me to grow up and ignore it- which I would, if those who tell me to do so, would also grow up and ignore the urge to see if they can pee higher than me. Which you probably can, given my obvious disadvantage.

  • shortstroke25
    116 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 2:35 PM

    Hi, when that happens look at mini map and move it out a little then goto normal view and put it here you want it .

  • MioKontic
    4,661 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 2:38 PM

    I assume you are on about moving the aim marker on the mini-map.  Personally, I always change the camera and then move the aim marker on the main screen rather than the mini-map; because the main screen is bigger you can position the marker more precisely.  You can still see where it is on the mini-map and use the main screen to position it where you want.

    Don't understand why it should happen just in Alt Shot games as the cameras are fixed and should affect all games the same.  That said, I do agree that many cameras are rather inconveniently positioned.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 2:42 PM

    When you have one in the way and really want to see under it, go to the game settings and turn off the aerial cams. Switch them back on when you need them. This might sound trivial but I like to think about what I'm going to do while I wait and you need that yardage to do that.


  • PeterHopper
    1,315 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 2:56 PM

    When it happens, I just go into options and turn it off.

  • Jerm65
    1,413 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 3:03 PM

    This does not happen in single play

    It does actually.  I see it fairly frequently.....

    About all you can really do is to move the aiming mark in the main view, so that it moves away from under the camera on the mini-map, and go from there.

  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 3:21 PM

    Thanks everyone, that really helps - I didn't know they could be turned off and the other suggestions I already do, but Thanks still for taking your time to advise.

  • cpatterson22
    257 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 4:00 PM

    lol it happens in every game mode,a nd it can be pretty annoying yeah, gotta click a different camera, drag it away, then go back >_>

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Jun 5 2012 4:54 PM

    I misunderstood the OP and after re-reading the post I see what you mean. Just click the aimer in the main screen and it will appear above the camera. I was referring to when that camera covers up your ball after you shoot.