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Rude players.

Mon, Feb 12 2018 9:19 AM (24 replies)
  • onlymarsden2
    89 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2012 1:16 PM

    Hello fellow players:

    while we are not able to name players on this forum, it seems to me that a voice is needed to "out"  the bad seeds.

    I, for one will give any information  on.. not only the "rude"  players; but also the huge amount of people, playing this game... that feel the need to act like internet tough guys.

    I'm well aware that, WGT will do nothing to solve this issue....So, I will suggest that, when playing, and you run across this type of player... pass his or her name on while playing.

    I have, and will continue to, name these so called players to as many WGT players,who are just here to enjoy the game.


  • WilliamRNewmanJr
    4,048 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2012 3:00 PM

    I'm Lucky to have a few friends that wants me to understand this Game and also get better at it.

    What FRUSTRATES me is the ones the snubs me in a game I create to play! If my Friends was available I'ld be playing with them Pro's. Its the other so call PRO's that gives the WGT a Bad Rap!

    Guys I've work my BUTTE off getting my scores down to a 95/Hack. It took me allot of playing to just now starting to understand this game somewhat.

    Just because I don't have the TOP Gears or TOP anything, I play with what I can get!


    So Please remember, the Pro's even in a PGA Tournaments in PRO/AM's helps the Amateurs out on how to play Better. This is your WAKE UP call to never just not want to play with us HACK or Amateurs, but we wanna learn it from the Best also! If you cannot do that, then you do not deserve to be even playing the Game!



  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Wed, Jun 6 2012 9:28 PM

    WGT do care about this. Just take a screenshot of the offending text and e-mail it to and they'll sort it. 

  • Voyager9940
    684 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 6:55 AM

    WGT do care about this. Just take a screenshot of the offending text and e-mail it to and they'll sort it.

    Dear Piztaker, I've done this about ten times already the past year, some even with severe and racist insults and password scam/hacking attempts, yet no result was noticeable since those bad seeds just played on without any interruption or sanction at all. Unless a verbal sanction is given offline only?

    Anyway, I stopped reporting these sad incidents, hope WGT would prove one day that indeed action is taken when bad seeds are reported in a justified manner.


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 10:31 AM


    WGT do care about this. Just take a screenshot of the offending text and e-mail it to and they'll sort it. 

    This, this, this!!!  :)

    Thank you, Piz.

    We want to be able to immediately eradicate any proven "rude" or otherwise toxic presences within our community, but the reality is we are a small team.

    Though we have taken steps to increase our capability to combat these presences, we still heavily rely on you, our community, to be our virtual eyes and ears. Each report (with verifiable information included) is dutifully examined and wherever any step towards bettering the community is possible, we take it.

    All of the positive feedback we've received from you guys as of late is showing us how necessary it is to provide more of this service to you, our deserving community.

    All I can say is: things are getting better. We will continue to learn and improve our community management program and as we do it's imparitive that we keep hearing from you guys about all the great things we are doing, as well as anything you would like us to improve on.


    Stay classy,


  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 10:34 AM

    Unless a verbal sanction is given offline only?


    Yes, this is a good point to touch on. Any disciplinary action - anything from a verbal warning to a disabling of a players account, will be conducted offline. Furthermore, any sort of public "calling out" of players who you deem to require disciplinary action is looked down upon on our forums and will be met with moderation at our discretion.

    So basically, the message I'm trying to get across is:

    "Stay classy."   :)



  • pjctas0822
    4,591 Posts
    Thu, Jun 7 2012 12:05 PM


    Hello fellow players:

    while we are not able to name players on this forum, it seems to me that a voice is needed to "out"  the bad seeds.

    I, for one will give any information  on.. not only the "rude"  players; but also the huge amount of people, playing this game... that feel the need to act like internet tough guys.

    I'm well aware that, WGT will do nothing to solve this issue....So, I will suggest that, when playing, and you run across this type of player... pass his or her name on while playing.

    I have, and will continue to, name these so called players to as many WGT players,who are just here to enjoy the game.


    Can I give you some advice ? Good !

    Don't talk about it be about it. Do it in private . Why do you feel the need to openly accuse yourself of violating TOS?

    Makes no sense unless your looking for negative attention. Personally I would just PM or email my homies and warn them that way nobody is embarrassed or violated in any way.

  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 2:36 AM



    WGT do care about this. Just take a screenshot of the offending text and e-mail it to and they'll sort it. 

    This, this, this!!!  :)

    Thank you, Piz.

    We want to be able to immediately eradicate any proven "rude" or otherwise toxic presences within our community, but the reality is we are a small team.

    Though we have taken steps to increase our capability to combat these presences, we still heavily rely on you, our community, to be our virtual eyes and ears. Each report (with verifiable information included) is dutifully examined and wherever any step towards bettering the community is possible, we take it.

    All of the positive feedback we've received from you guys as of late is showing us how necessary it is to provide more of this service to you, our deserving community.

    All I can say is: things are getting better. We will continue to learn and improve our community management program and as we do it's imparitive that we keep hearing from you guys about all the great things we are doing, as well as anything you would like us to improve on.


    Stay classy,


    Errrhhmmm I have sent LOTS of screenshots and complaints about players but gotten NO response at all from you, no thank you or no one telling me what you do with these people. Are you even warning/banning them? A warning isnt enough in many cases as things they say would give them prison in real life. So why arent you banning them?

    And dont tell me it has to do with you get money from them! In that case you make me sick.

  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 4:00 AM

    I can personally vouch that WGT do take action against  such players.  I believe they are given a series of warning and if they still persist they can and do get banned.

    You cannot access their profile by community - players, but you can from the forum search box, if they have wrote before.  

  • SweetiePie91
    269 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 4:11 AM

    What they have said shouldnt be dealt with "a couple of warning" like you said. It should at least lead to an immediate ban to that person.

    Maybe the big spenders here have some sort of immunity as wgt is so darn greedy. Can't see any other reason why they are not banned from this site. They have threatened me to life for god's sake. Thats not allowed in real life and will lead to prison (at least in my country) but apparently, if you spend a few dollars in here you can get away with that too...