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Rude players.

Mon, Feb 12 2018 9:19 AM (24 replies)
  • chris2345
    528 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 5:53 AM

    Well the player I personally know got banned was a biggish spender in terms of the %20 MPC rake.

    Not sure if I'm allowed to name them as they are now banned so will ere on the side of caution, mrsanc**.

    Many players who play MPC would have come across his antics (if they were beating him.)

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 6:10 AM

    I had an idea, originally for quitters,
    but I guess it can be used for cyber bullies too.

    my idea was an outsource database,
    sort of a "do not play" list.

    since wgt won't allow such a list on it's site,
    it should be an external, independent site,
    where some sort of a bulletin/message board can be placed,
    and users can add to that list using the same handle of their wgt account.

    an anonymous system won't be good,
    since I belive, that people should be accounted for their claims.

    once users that are on this list
    will find themselves constantly being booted off the game lobby,
    maybe something will change around here,
    and the A holes of wgt, will either better themselves or fade away.

    a search engin would be required,
    so that users can search a nickname to see if he's in the notorious db.

    also some sort of evidence will have to be attached
    in order for the admin of that list, to authorize the claim to be made public.

    but it takes time, knowledge and a strong moral code
    to run such an explosive list with the much needed caution and sensitivity,

    maybe that's why, till this moment, it's still only an idea :)

  • ChillGurl
    55 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 7:10 AM


    but it takes time, knowledge and a strong moral code
    to run such an explosive list with the much needed caution and sensitivity,

    maybe that's why, till this moment, it's still only an idea :)

    In theory, it's a great idea, but in practice, it lends itself to abuse.

    What it means is that, just because I don't like someone...even if they haven't really broken any conduct rules....I can just name them in this external noticeboard and they will become WGT lepers.

    Seems a good way to just "get rid of" anyone I don't like.

    I wish I had the answer to this problem, but this isn't it.



  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 2:22 PM

    It is disappointing that there are some rude people in life, at least here on WGT you can block them and you can also choose not to play with them.

  • onlymarsden2
    89 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 3:44 PM

    Thank you all for your comments.

    WGTadmin2, are you really that nieve to think that I,and a good number players here have not already thought of that.

    What it really comes down to is: there is currently no way to stop the bad seeds. I get it.

    It is an online game, and with that, comes all kinds of problems.

    You and your team are the only ones that can change, or "want" to clean up the problem.

    I have been, and still are active in a number of fourms, dating back to online play, such as the mark, COD 1, 2 and 3. Not to mention creating mods and maps.

    If your only answer is to ignore this type of game play, it has all the hallmarks of "lets make some money"... and who cares"

    PC players...old and new are still, and will continue to be the money makers for you.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Jun 8 2012 11:03 PM

    You take screenshots and e-mail WGT with a detailed report. This has been mentioned many times and I know that it works through experience. There is far too much negativity on this forum.

  • onlymarsden2
    89 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 12:54 AM

    As much as I respect you and your comment piztaker, and have read many of your posts: It simply is'nt as black & white as you make it out to be.

    There is good deal of grey... not only in this forum, but in the so called rules of this forum and the game itself.

    PLEASE understand that i love this game and have been here over two years...not to mention the amount of money spent.. and will continue to spend on what i suggest is the best online golf game.

    A forum is born on both negative and positive comments. This is the nature of a debate. The fact remains that, simply taking screen shots, will not solve this issue.

      There are many online games and forums that would not put up this type of nonsense. It's a shame WGT does not grasp... or incorporate this simple philosphy.

    Have a great day, and more importantly, have fun playing this great game.  

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 10:54 AM

    A forum is born on both negative and positive comments. This is the nature of a debate.

    I agree with your statement about positive and negative comments, but only when these comments are criticisms about our game.

    When the negative comments become attacks on a player of the game, this is something that we do not put up with. I think you can agree that most online forums do not allow personal attacks within their community.

    The fact remains that, simply taking screen shots, will not solve this issue.

    Well, sure, I can agree with you on this. After you take the screenshot, if you don't email it to us, no investigation will be conducted and we won't be able to address this potential problem within our community. If you take a screenshot and email it to us, we CAN accomplish this, and as a member of over 2 years I'm sure you have seen this in action.

    There is good deal of grey... not only in this forum, but in the so called rules of this forum and the game itself.

    I will say that I agree with Piztaker on this one. IT IS as simple as: if you feel you have encountered someone who is violating the terms of service, collect some sort of supporting evidence and send it to our support team. That's all you need to do to help us facilitate our ongoing process of maintaining the WGT community.

    Our small team is working hard to constantly maintain our community, but it's the help of individuals like you that is our main catalyst for accomplishing this. Keep sending reports as you encounter them, folks, and we will continue to strive to make the WGT community a place of constructive criticism towards our game and positive comments between players.


    Stay classy,


  • onlymarsden2
    89 Posts
    Sat, Jun 9 2012 12:17 PM

    Thank you WGTpizza. I agree with you on most of the points in your post.

    Please understand that, up until a few weeks ago, we only had one WGT moderator that answered many questions, concerns and comments.

    It's good... or should I say great to see more involvement applied by the staff of WGT.

    That said, as you put it "Maintain our community" is falling short by a long shot. This is not a small web, blog, or chat site.It's a very big money maker for those that sit at the top of the ivory tower.

    I guess i've said all there is to say, thank you  for your time... i will continue to play, spend my money here, and try to ignore, and come to terms with "it is what it is"

    Stay "classy"
