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Multi accounts

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Fri, Jun 22 2012 9:32 AM (32 replies)
  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 12:01 AM

    Its a shame that WGT allows such nonsense on this platform (as far as making Multi Accounts). Then if a CC owner makes a choice based on above info then we are the bad guys . Go figure :( 

    To all you Multi Accounters .....Go Join the new Multi/Restarter ( however you want to pretty it up lol) CC and knock yourselves out . 

    No really knock yourselves out :) 

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 2:05 AM

    I was being funny but I could see how someone could not see  the humour in it. 

    My stance is still the same either way.

    Knocking yourself out would mean playing against youself in a 4 ball but in reality there is only 1 person playing.

    Man I think its funny :) 

    Im not here to gain respect in this topic just a few laughs and maybe see the lighter side of things. 

    Oh well . I should have been a comedian IRL :) I am funny looking enough to be one .

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 3:55 AM


    Knocking yourself out would mean playing against youself in a 4 ball but in reality there is only 1 person playing.

    Man I think its funny :) 

    LOL. I have found that these low-life password exchangers / multi-account players are in all reality, very, VERY lonely sneaky people. Think about it. If you come in here to WGT and play multiple players, what does that say about you as an individual in REAL LIFE. If you do something that off the wall, sneaky, under-handed in here, a computer game, then what are these losers’ capable of, or better to say, NOT capable of in RL and, what kind of friend would they actually be in RL. I couldn't even imagine having one of these "SNEAKY" players a friend of mine in RL. Even after all this said, think about the "duel personalities". O M Goodness! Talk about not having all the nuts and bolts securely fastened...LOL.  Everyone makes some very strong and valid points. It all falls back on - choose your "friends" wisely. Stick with the winners. Not necessarily the winners of  RG's or Monthly Tourns., or the real low avgs. Stick with the players “you know” are TRUE TO YOU and what I think is even more important, TRUE TO THEM SELVES. edge...  

  • WarnersSafeCure
    682 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 4:18 AM

    there real life existence is probably just as sad as here on wgt.  when it comes to 7/8/9 or even more accounts.  not only sad ,but very dim.  they have probably cheated on every friend they ever had,  thats why they have none,   and feel the need to use these sort of tactics, to gain friends.  which in the end they will also shite upon. 

    551 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 4:22 AM

    Dear Rob,

    I have a few questions for you but first I want to say a few things.

    When first we met you were playing as someone else. You played a great game, you were fun to play with, you ran a great CC and you were generous to a fault. You invited my to join Camelot CC and I did.

    A short time later the truth came out and things exploded like a SUPERNOVA (hi Allie if you're reading this). If you recall I was one of the ones who thought it was funny and I still do. Anyone who sends nude pictures to, and has cybersex with, someone they met on WGT or any other online site is a fool. Those guys in Camelot CC really got upset when they found out that they had been made fools of. Some of them still relentlessly hound you. 

    I briefly remained in Camelot CC until a dispute arose regarding changing the rules of a Tournament after the Tournament had already begun. I quit Camelot CC and you invited me to join GUYS & DOLLS CC. For that I am forever in your debt. The members of GUYS & DOLLS treat me like family and they have become an important part of this old lady's life. They made such a big deal about my 70th birthday that I actually wept when I read their posts.

    That is why I became so very angry with you when Megan became upset by your constant attempts to reestablish a friendship with her. I also gave you some very good advice about restarting and not drawing attention to yourself. Which brings me to my questions.

    Why did you put your picture on your profile if you didn't want to get caught?

    When you start a new player why don't you take it easy for a few weeks instead of posting sub par scores right from the get go? Real newbie hacks don't shoot in the low 60s during their first few days and you know it.

    Why join CCs when you know real newbie hacks tend not join CCs? They also tend not to play multi player games and certainly not for credits. Can't you wait a few months in order not to appear suspicious?

    Why send so many gifts? That is another part of your behavior that reveals your true identity. 

    Why do you want to get caught?