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Multi accounts

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Fri, Jun 22 2012 9:32 AM (32 replies)
  • WarnersSafeCure
    682 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 4:46 AM



    there real life existence is probably just as sad as here on wgt.  when it comes to 7/8/9 or even more accounts.  not only sad ,but very dim.  they have probably cheated on every friend they ever had,  thats why they have none,   and feel the need to use these sort of tactics, to gain friends.  which in the end they will also shite upon. 

    LOL Billy,

    Your credibilty went out the window with cowardly hit & run posts on peoples walls.

    And then....incredibly abusive posts right here.

    Get back to your bottle please


    not abusive ,but truth.  its people like you who ruin the good work that is put into a country club. your a waste of space. and an insult to humanity.


  • WarnersSafeCure
    682 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 5:10 AM

    just for the record.   it was you who started all this. by posting insulting comments on my wall.  after i left glamouflage cc.    for my own personal reasons.   it had fek all to to with you, but you had to stick your oar in.   i knew you were a multi accounter.  and had made a fool of me and others.   i had no intention of  attacking you in any way.  until , that is you posted insults on my wall.    put your sad brain into gear next time. before you open your sad mouth.

  • WarnersSafeCure
    682 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 5:19 AM

    END OF

  • overtheedge
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 6:01 AM


    LOL. I have found that these low-life password exchangers / multi-account players are in all reality, very, VERY lonely sneaky people.

    You have " found"  this?

    May I ask HOW you have found this if you say...have never had "one" as a friend?

    Just like anything or anyone else, these players are being tagged and generalized and labelled....usually by " Holier than thou" people.

    Everyone makes some very strong and valid points. It all falls back on - choose your "friends" wisely. Stick with the winners. Not necessarily the winners of  RG's or Monthly Tourns., or the real low avgs. Stick with the players “you know” are TRUE TO YOU and what I think is even more important, TRUE TO THEM SELVES. edge...  

    This part of your post makes great sense, but you ruined it with all the drivel in between.

    Shame that.


    You are a trouble maker and after reading through another thread here = Re-Starters United...a CC with a difference  it seems you have had MANY different experiences in the community. You are extremely disrespectful to members that are giving there views on a topic. Anyone of our community members will see, like I have, after reading through this thread as well as the Re-starter thread that you are nothing but a trouble maker plain and simple.

    Shame that


    Shame on you for doing what you have done in the past. You truly dont belong here. Now, after this, it will only be a matter of time that you will disappear and start a new. Again - SHAME THAT!

  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 8:51 AM

    Why has this thread not been deleted?  Other threads that are at least informative have been deleted, but this one goes on!

    And on and on and on and on and on!