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Re-Starters United...a CC with a difference

Sat, Jun 23 2012 7:33 AM (72 replies)
  • WarnersSafeCure
    682 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 7:36 AM

    cera cera

  • Rich1064
    739 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 11:37 AM

    Haha nearly had me there, nope not joining your club. I remember you trying to lure me into a CC you set up on one of your other re-start accounts..... which one was it now?.... let me think?.... ah yes Scorpiokiller

    March 10, 2012

    ScorpioKiller created the Loners Losers and Liars country club...... with the status....        

    "Do NOT apply for membership to my CC unless you are at least ONE of the 3 in the title.....Me? I'm all 3, and NOT proud of it.)"

    I think you ended up as the only member didn't you? Ah well, if the cap fits ;o)

  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 12:12 PM

    Great idea for a CC.  Now it will be easy to know where at least some of the sandbaggers are.  WGT, are you watching???  Let this sort of thing continue and you will soon be losing a lot of your legitimate members.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 1:33 PM


    Great idea for a CC.  Now it will be easy to know where at least some of the sandbaggers are.  WGT, are you watching???  Let this sort of thing continue and you will soon be losing a lot of your legitimate members.

    MIo odly enough Multi accounters make WGT more money. Nothing will be done. Unless they are in the business of not making money.

    This issue will never go away for that reason . Not to mention all the other reasons that are not even worth bringing up. 

    A multi CC yeah at least we will know who has them eh? Trust me I would be willing to bet that there are over 30% of WGT community with more then 1 account. Now do they use them all thats the question that is hard to answer. 

    Go with your gut feelings and if people think its unfair oh well. Nobody is perfect by any means.

  • Rich1064
    739 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 5:22 PM

    CC opened and closed within 24hrs citing lack of interest as one of the reasons? You obviously haven't given the multi=accounters re-starters a chance to apply surely?

    Or have you just realised that what must have seemed like a good idea at the time..... turned out to be a foolish miscalculation?


    I told you before I don't hate you...... you are my reason for being here ;o)

  • MioKontic
    4,660 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 5:43 PM


    Due to the lack of interest and the abundance of haters, I am closing the CC.

    This thread ends here for me.


    Hahaha, that's funny.  So who were you before?

  • dianneher
    758 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 6:27 PM



    Due to the lack of interest and the abundance of haters, I am closing the CC.

    This thread ends here for me.


    Hahaha, that's funny.  So who were you before?

    He was many people....but mainly female ones>))