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Re-Starters United...a CC with a difference

Sat, Jun 23 2012 7:33 AM (72 replies)
  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Thu, Jun 21 2012 11:49 PM

    Rob, do you make/start posts like these just to rile people up?

    I'm serious, I'd really like to know.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 12:11 AM

    Rob that Idea would work (since it was mine to begin with) . I just feel like if you cant beat them join them right?

    I for one would not play this game like that . And I guess I am ignorant in that way. But I will run a CC and play this game the way I want to and if people dont like it then they have choices. Thank Goodness we have choices.

    I bet that kind of CC would work if someone were serious about it . I dont think you are otherwise you would have tried for more then 24 hrs. 

    There are plenty of people in WGT that dont see Multi accounting as wrong but posing to be something your not is wrong. That is where I draw the line for most. Ignorant or not.

    I have nothing against people playing this game however they want as long as they are having fun . Unfortunately some of those people feel it necessary to take advantage of other people to their benefit and that part is wrong.

    You know how I feel about this issue so Ill move on from it. I still dont see why people have to be categorized as ignorant because they dont see it the way you do . Thats not right.  Be a little open minded and respect other people morals. Give respect . Get Respect. Thats what my Momma always told me. 

    Respectfully yours


  • Rich1064
    739 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 3:57 AM

    Hahaha yes, looks like a serious miscalculation on my part...oh well, you live & learn huh Rich?

    No, that's just never learn! Many times payers who you have deceived in the past have advised you to abide by the T&C's of this game and just have ONE account as YOURSELF but it seems you need multiple accounts to accommodate multiple personalities, you bring all this on yourself and you revel in the attention.


    This thread ends here for me.



    I have seen you 'End' your involvements in threads many times...... once again 7 of your posts later..... you're still here? Or has this thread re-started?