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Re-Starters United...a CC with a difference

Sat, Jun 23 2012 7:33 AM (72 replies)
  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 11:43 AM


    Certainly are a condescending little piece of male anatomy aren't you?  Not one word I said was untrue, besides the fact it was, as posted, my opinion of your apparent buddy's demeaning, patronizing comments to a woman who had been sexually harassed, & her life threatened. If you knew the whole story, could understand it, & had the common sense not to share his cavalier, comedic attitude towards the subject, then you might have something to say that would be worthwhile. Had it happened to his wife (if he has one), I don't think he would laugh it off & patronize her as he did in this instance. You sir, are at a dead end, apparently all the way around.  You cease to be worth the time.  Good luck existing here, you poor, petty little person. Need to find yourself a virtual golf halfway house; oh, I'm sorry, I guess you'd need to find 8 or 9 of them.  Swirl on down the bowl now.

    And Now?

  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 11:44 AM

    Now? IS your email box full yet??? LOL Ok Ill stop . But it is funny . Oh but not yo you so here comes some more bash/trolling from you . Be a man and stay quiet . Oh wait your 12 I forgot.

    551 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 1:23 PM

    Methinks the time has come to end this silly war.

    Mayhap I am being naive but I really believe Rob is trying to be himself this time. Perhaps he just wants play WGT.

    Back in the days of Mistress Bel, when he was the owner of Camelot CC, it was one of the finest CCs on WGT with almost 250 members. Then the fit hit the shan!

    I understand why some of the members of Camelot CC were very upset. As far as I understand some of them engaged in cybersex with her/him. Others sent nude photos to him/her. I saw one of the photos and couldn't stop laughing at how fat the guy looked.

    Some of you remind me of Detective Jean Valjean in Victor Hugo's classic Les Miserables. He pursued a man, who stole a loaf of bread, for 20 years.

    Until, and unless, provoked Rob can be a fun guy and generous to a fault. Why don't we all just go on about our business and let Rob be?

    BTW I just received a friend invite from ArrVeeAussie and I have accepted. PLEASE do not bombard my wall with feculent posts or I will get my KLINGON friends to destroy you.

    QAPLA BATLE JE! (success and honor)


  • pjctas0822
    4,614 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 8:25 PM


    Methinks the time has come to end this silly war.

    Mayhap I am being naive but I really believe Rob is trying to be himself this time. Perhaps he just wants play WGT.

    Back in the days of Mistress Bel, when he was the owner of Camelot CC, it was one of the finest CCs on WGT with almost 250 members. Then the fit hit the shan!

    I understand why some of the members of Camelot CC were very upset. As far as I understand some of them engaged in cybersex with her/him. Others sent nude photos to him/her. I saw one of the photos and couldn't stop laughing at how fat the guy looked.

    Some of you remind me of Detective Jean Valjean in Victor Hugo's classic Les Miserables. He pursued a man, who stole a loaf of bread, for 20 years.

    Until, and unless, provoked Rob can be a fun guy and generous to a fault. Why don't we all just go on about our business and let Rob be?

    BTW I just received a friend invite from ArrVeeAussie and I have accepted. PLEASE do not bombard my wall with feculent posts or I will get my KLINGON friends to destroy you.


    QAPLA BATLE JE! (success and honor)


    You sound like a really nice person. Even with all that Rob has been through . I too truly believe he is turning a new leaf. People make mistakes. 

    I had to do something that was hard to do and Rob knows what that was . But it doesnt mean I am going to hate . I try not to be that kind of person . When I make decisions they are never personal. Anyway I dont wish anything bad on him or any other person for their faults and mistakes. 

    I just hope everyone can move on and Rob may god bless your heart and mind. Keep it real.

    Your friend


    Ya I know I am a softy :) I have a huge heart ya know . Sometimes I joke too much but that is just me and If anyone took the time to understand that then they wouldn't hate on me as some do. 

  • MBaggese
    15,372 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 9:26 PM

    I'm glad it's turning out on a positive note guys!

    May I suggest one thing though, someone will pop in and try to get under someones skin.

    Take the high road and let it go.

    Glad ya'll worked things out!

  • ceige
    742 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 11:41 PM

    hmmm some1 might pop in, same ole same ole WGT, so im popping out again. :-)) 

  • SgtScramble
    30 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 1:50 AM

    Wow, Can  I have the 5 mins of my life back it took to read all the posts in this thread? lol

    towards the end I couldnt tell if maybe this Rob character was behind all the accounts and just arguing with himself lol it was like a trainwreck and I just couldnt stop reading.