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What should my next purchase be?

Mon, Jul 9 2012 11:21 PM (18 replies)
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  • Steviesouthpaw
    3 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 5:35 PM

    I need advice from you experts of WGT! I have some game...I'm pretty good at this game and I've only been at it for about a month. I have accrued some credits and I've already bought a driver and a putter and I'm very happy with both. What should I buy next? If you tell me wedges tell me why the wedges...I want to buy irons next but I just can't decide which is more important. And what's last? The 3W? The hybrid? So many possibilities...

  • lonnieskinner
    1,677 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 8:12 PM

    If you can stand the speed of the meter, the lvl 42 g 10 whole set is very good. Also the lvl 32 (i think) r ll set is also very good. The g 10 set has the ping wedges with them. I know you said you love your driver but the sets are very economical.When you get to lvl 51 the nike putter is excellent (at least for me). It has a very slow meter so its easy to ping. What ever you get have fun. 

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 11:14 PM

    Wedges, because the Starter wedges suck!

    You'll see the difference in short game, pitch, chip & flop, and scrambling close to the flag means many one-putts and a lot more pars!

    The level 42(!) G10 set w/ wedges may be ok for now, but prepare to change again when you hit the Master level (tees further back). The higher the trajectory (&level), the better they are. First irons with high trajectory come at level 59.

    I'd not change the putter unless plenty of cash. The Starter putter is quite good if you only hit the ding.

    If you are willing to spend credits on a regular basis, chose a custom ball. The cheapest is better than the Starters, and I enjoy the Tour SDs (65 cr per sleeve).

  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Fri, Jun 22 2012 11:34 PM

    I recommend the wedge as well. But I don't use a hybrid. If you use a good ball you can take the hybrid outta your bag & carry 4 wedges.

    Also, I'd be lookin at irons. I know you have the slower rocketball driver but how about these for your level. The level 37 Burner iron set ROCKS! They really spin the ball.

    That's what I'd be thinkin about. I don't know how good the ATV wedges are but I've heard they are not worth the credits. Try Ping wedges if you want good value, depends, you didn't say how many credits you had lol.

    But that's what I'd get.

  • BirdDog1980
    64 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 12:07 AM

    i just tonight, bought the Lvl 37 Burners. My first iron set I've bought.. been using the Starters until now, and I'm so glad I finally upgraded. My game desperately needed it. I love the Burners so far, but I don't have any balls right now (my next purchase) to see how good they really are. But I'm happy with them so far and I think I'll be hanging on to them for a while.. they have mad spin even with the default balls!!

  • swingin4fences
    2 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 12:34 AM

    lookin at your lvl which is 39.If your lookin 2 piece your gear together,piece by piece.Then i would have 2 say the lvl 30 and 31 r11 fairway and rescue combo,will take care of your game,without worring about meter speed or accuracy.For both its 790 credits well worth it dude,i hope this helps.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 1:06 AM


    I recommend the wedge as well. But I don't use a hybrid. If you use a good ball you can take the hybrid outta your bag & carry 4 wedges.

    Four wedges means to drop two woods outta three - a wee bit extreme don't you think? The only case I've heard of this was a Legend's setting for certain CTTH games, not in regular play.

    For a start and a Pro player, two wedges should be enough, like the two Pings available to Stevie now or those at level 41.

    Three wedges need more thought about spacing the lengths between them and below the irons (which are likely to be changed at Master tier). It also means to wait until level 41 for the better Pings (a recommendation to Stevie anyway) or to go for ATVs at 495 each minimum (not believing that these are worth the price).

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 1:25 AM

    I say buy nothing, get your average under 70, then you will know you need.


  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 2:19 AM


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