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What should my next purchase be?

Mon, Jul 9 2012 11:21 PM (18 replies)
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  • BubbaCrusher007
    1,567 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 9:00 AM

    Four wedges means to drop two woods outta three - a wee bit extreme don't you think? The only case I've heard of this was a Legend's setting for certain CTTH games, not in regular play.

    Forget it.  Look, many many people play 4 wedges. The Pitching wedge which is part of your iron set, the 64 degree 60 degree and 56 degree/4 wedges.

    Forget everything that I recommended & do what MBagese said. Get to where you can play & then buy it I don't know.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 2:51 PM


    Forget it.  Look, many many people play 4 wedges. The Pitching wedge which is part of your iron set, the 64 degree 60 degree and 56 degree/4 wedges.

    Seeing it this way, I have the same set-up. Wee misunderstanding.

    Regarding MBs proposal, it's always difficult to answer the question "what should I buy?" with "Nothing" - the question arises from a certain discomfort which will lead to a buy normally - to me it seems better to recommend something sensible rather than nothing, perhaps leading to an insensible buy...

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 3:36 PM



    Forget it.  Look, many many people play 4 wedges. The Pitching wedge which is part of your iron set, the 64 degree 60 degree and 56 degree/4 wedges.

    Seeing it this way, I have the same set-up. Wee misunderstanding.

    Regarding MBs proposal, it's always difficult to answer the question "what should I buy?" with "Nothing" - the question arises from a certain discomfort which will lead to a buy normally - to me it seems better to recommend something sensible rather than nothing, perhaps leading to an insensible buy...


    See, the OP is at Pro level.  Starter clubs can easily shoot to a 70 avg from the Pro tees.

    Why spend money on something not yet needed?

    Hence why I said "Buy nothing until you get your average down" or similar.


  • row2seat2
    1,441 Posts
    Sat, Jun 23 2012 4:40 PM

    I see you have bought new clubs now work for another wedge and stop playing those WGT cue balls. Even the 10 credit balls are better.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 12:48 AM


    See, the OP is at Pro level.  Starter clubs can easily shoot to a 70 avg from the Pro tees.

    Why spend money on something not yet needed?

    Hence why I said "Buy nothing until you get your average down" or similar.

    I appreciate this opinion, having done so until hitting TP. I had this mission statement: "Stay with the starters as long as you can stand it."

    Alas, advancement is a wee bit slow and uncomfortable at times.

    My experience leads to these necessary buys:

    - 1 or 2 wedges for more precision in short play,

    - driver or wood for more length and precision from the tee (and fairway).

    Irons and the rest are up to each player, being a budgetary issue.

    The last club to change would be a putter IMHO. Custom balls would do more for the game.

  • pjctas0822
    4,622 Posts
    Sun, Jun 24 2012 1:21 AM


    I need advice from you experts of WGT! I have some game...I'm pretty good at this game and I've only been at it for about a month. I have accrued some credits and I've already bought a driver and a putter and I'm very happy with both. What should I buy next? If you tell me wedges tell me why the wedges...I want to buy irons next but I just can't decide which is more important. And what's last? The 3W? The hybrid? So many possibilities...

    I guess everyone who responded are experts LMFAO.

    Buy a new car :) 

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