Hi Masterius,
you proposed ideas and gave arguments, especially about potential risks, so that's what I call a good post. However, I do not like this kind of propositions for the following reasons.
- Like/dislike a player. A player can, only when in-game with another player, have the option to select "like" or "dislike" for an opponent. The total number of
"likes" and "dislikes" would be viewable, as a minimum, when you look at a player's profile page.
This kind of things is potentially very bad (like player reputation that WGT planned to introduce at some point but they never did it because they probably realized that it was not easy and potentially bad).
You indeed proposed a way to avoid unfair uses of this system, but that's not so easy. Eespecially tracking people that abuse the system by posting essentially a dislike, it gives more work to WGT to monitor everything because even if parts can be done automatically, they need to monitor all the process to see if nothing wrong is going on.
The bottleneck is also that when everything is fine people are quiet, they shout only when there is a problem (there are much more posts in this forum about complains than posts saying that this game is great). So in practice, you will probably receive more "dislike" than "like" because after a round where everything is fine, people will not automatically post a "like", but if something went wrong (like simply losing the round :) ), you will get a "dislike", at least that's a risk.
In general, trying separate the good ones from the bad ones, like by using a yellow star or a "like/dislike" for example, is very bad.
Add the following to all players' profile page:
- The number of times a player has disconnected while:
- In a practice round, and
- In a ranked round.
As I understand, what you propose is about solo rounds.
Well, we should never forget that this is a game that we play during our rare moments of free time. What we are doing in a solo game should only matter to ourself, not to the others. If you quit a solo round, ranked or not, what is the problem for the others?
Wanting to know too much about others and to spy them to see if they behave as few people think they should, has been done many times in the past (like the yellow star above), and it has many names: inquisition, McCarthyism etc.
The real problem with disconnections is during multiplayer rounds (match play or alt shot game). But even in that case, that's not easy to track legitimate disconnection from an intentional one. It happens quite often that you get a real disconnection (you lose internet connection, or the gameclient crashes and you need to close it) and after that you cannot re-enter the game, clicking on the "continue" button has no effect, or you cannot reconnect within the allowed time. In that case, you would get penalized while it's not your fault.
The easy solution is to built a nice friend list. I never have problem with players quitting.