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Love the Nation Putting Challenge in ctth tournnaments

Tue, Jul 10 2012 11:34 AM (45 replies)
  • TarheelsRule
    5,566 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 8:41 PM

    Roch it is sort of hard to see but if you go to the weekly tournament section under CTTH, it is at the bottom under Nation Putting Challenge.

    It is fun and addictive.  I played a dozen times or so late last night, I have managed to ace every hole except 2 and 7.  Aced one in the round that was leading for a while, now back in the pack.

    Thanks WGT.

  • godelescher
    636 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 9:47 PM

    I can roll over the hole on 1 pretty consistently, but have a low % chance of it dropping. I think I've got to go higher and come in softer to start holing it out.

    2 is all tempo. The hill on the left acts as sort of a high bank that has some forgiveness built in. Side winds don't seem to affect this putt a lot, but headwind/tailwind seems to have amplified effect.  2 has a mind of it's own.

    3 and 4 are almost gimmes, but even on those, slight adjustments on speed and aim are needed for wind.

    5 is easier than 6 because it's just over 50% of my 90' meter (depending on wind). 6 is only trickier because I need to jump up to my 150' meter and I'm not used to using it. Still, 5 and 6 are both pretty easy.

    7 is an abortion. I can't get inside 5'. Need a foot wedge.

    8 is an interesting one. down hill and slopey, but I still manage to miss high on this one almost every time.

    9 breaks early and seems to keep breaking past where you would expect it to flatten out. Otherwise simple enough.

    Even if you ace 2 and 7, I doubt anyone will be able to ace all 9 in one go. TLD's score of 10.98 is pretty impressive.


  • grinch1277
    275 Posts
    Fri, Jul 6 2012 10:06 PM


    It takes hits off your ball. Be warned!!

    Yeah,I can use my 57 dove balls

  • Fuzzygazz
    1,469 Posts
    Sat, Jul 7 2012 12:25 PM

    Gets old quick..not bad start but needs work. Why is WGT so much against single play ctth?Here was a good chance to play sight unseen a new course for first 24 hours anyways. also had a16 and change with a starter ball too. I play ctth to get away from putting :).

  • Witherspoon
    155 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 2:52 AM

    It looks like the same old story to me. Put up a challenge and then people manage to get absolutely ridiculous scores, 2.28 leading at the moment, and someone is predicting several scores at Zero.

    I have mentioned this before. I do not believe it is possible to get these scores without using some aid to enable them to score so low. I do not want to use the word "cheating" but I think it is the only one to use. 

    This is not "sour grapes" on my part. I for one decided some time ago that I will never enter an Open Competition of any kind where an Entry Fee is required.

    It is my opinion, and it will never change that there are a few unscrupulous people about that will do whatever it takes to WIN. 

    I do love playing WGT, but come on, lets have a level playing field. !!!

    2,580 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 5:36 AM

    There is no cheating, or aid to do well on this. 1st hole is a bit of a nightmare, but once you hole it, then the rest fall into place nicely. Here are some of my notes, and a rough guide to each hole from the 2nd hole,Using a free starter ball. Try it and see how you do.


    As i said, i will leave out the 1st hole, but the rest of the holes i will put up in Feet of power needed for each hole, and the lines are the putting grid. If i say 4 lines, then that means moving the cursor 4 lines to the left or right of the hole. You will know yourself which way the break should go. Number 7 hole is a *** so far, i haven't got any consistency on this 1, so again, as all holes are, a rough guess. Starter ball used, and level 55 rossa putter.

    (2) 78 foot of power, 4.5 lines
    (3) 22 foot of power, .5 lines
    (4) 12 foot of power, 1 line
    (5) 48 foot of power, 1.2 lines
    (6) 65 foot of power, 1.5 lines
    (7) 105 foot of power, .5 line to the right, from behind the player.
    (8) 55 foot of power, 4.5 lines
    (9) 22 foot of power, 1.5 lines

    Practice this, and you will soon see more than 1 ace appear on your scorecard.

    2,580 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 5:45 AM

    This might help you on the 1st hole.


    Ok, so here is how i aced the 1st on BPB 15th. Bear in mind im using a widescreen PC. 1st thing i did was move my cursor all the way to the left in reverse view (see pic), until it touches the side (black bar at the left), then i lifted the cursor until i saw the distance as 30ft. I then put my putter on the 60 foot increment, gave it 2 clicks which is roughly 24 feet of power, and brought it back about 6feet. So the distance of power i used is roughly 18 feet of power. Try this, and then dial it in from there. It took me about 7 attempts to nail this 1, and i have nailed it a few times since then using this. If you miss the hole, it could roll past about 10 feet.


  • bigchunky17
    850 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 5:59 AM


    It looks like the same old story to me. Put up a challenge and then people manage to get absolutely ridiculous scores, 2.28 leading at the moment, and someone is predicting several scores at Zero.

    I have mentioned this before. I do not believe it is possible to get these scores without using some aid to enable them to score so low. I do not want to use the word "cheating" but I think it is the only one to use. 

    This is not "sour grapes" on my part. I for one decided some time ago that I will never enter an Open Competition of any kind where an Entry Fee is required.

    It is my opinion, and it will never change that there are a few unscrupulous people about that will do whatever it takes to WIN. 

    I do love playing WGT, but come on, lets have a level playing field. !!!


    Here we go again................

    Someone shoots a great score and the old "cheating" accusations surface.

    "Unscrupulous people". HOW DARE YOU! You do not know the person who shot the score and yet because he has the patience and skill to master all those putts he must be doing "whatever it takes to win"

    Well if winning means practising time after time and making notes and believing you can achieve that special score, then yes ....thats what it takes to win.

    Clearly, instead of putting in a similar time and effort you have decided to call out someone on the forum and cast spurious accusations with absolutely no foundation in fact.

    I happen to know the player who shot 2.28ft.....he is a member of my club, we talk and play daily via Skype. I can assure you that no cheat programs are involved, how would they help with this anyway??

    Personally I admire the people who have the diligence and skill to shoot low, I can't abide people who like me, are not able to achieve those scores, but choose to cast aspersions on those that can.   Witherspoon.....go and practice helps !


    7 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 6:42 AM

    takes hat long to explain its cheating

  • jvr86
    799 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 7:24 AM

    (2) 78 foot of power, 4.5 lines
    (3) 22 foot of power, .5 lines  
    (4) 12 foot of power, 1 line
    (5) 48 foot of power, 1.2 lines
    (6) 65 foot of power, 1.5 lines
    (7) 105 foot of power, .5 line to the right, from behind the player.
    (8) 55 foot of power, 4.5 lines
    (9) 22 foot of power, 1.5 lines


    Hello Again Mister  One

    I will try to pay you back the line for #1 lol

    On #7 try avoiding the bounce of the  bunker, that bounce gives you an unnecessary break. If  you go more left, ball will roll to the hole (like an approach shot, balls always roll to the left). try aiming to a white fence you can see from the player view. Power around 95-97ft.