These happen all the time.
it would be nice though to let club owners
the option to create cross-cc tournaments,
meaning tournaments that only the 2 clubs can play,
as oppose to the personal match play format,
where you have to adjust your schedule to the other player.
having the option to create a multi-CC tournament,
where 2 or more country clubs can play for say, lowest accumulated cc score,
would be a brilliant addition to the current cc features available.
and wgt can create its own cc tournaments,
where the best wgt clubs would be listed, much like the best individual players
are currently ranked on the site. and maybe credits can be given
to the top 5-10 or so clubs, that would be divided amongst
the players who took part in the tournament.
any admins out there taking notes? this would be awesome,
and give a whole new life to the cc scene :-)