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WGT Game Changes

Thu, Oct 17 2013 12:37 AM (408 replies)
  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 5:52 AM

    LOL, good stuff.   The R11s driver far out drives any driver but the supertri and the orig R11. The s is way more forgiving, and with backspin will drive 300 yds in 6mph headwinds. I have not been out driven since purchasing it, and I came from using the supertri for a long time. When you say you keep up with it, you may think 15 yds isn't a big diff,  but that is a 2 club diff on approach. It is way more forgiving missing the ding, my fairway % and avg drive dist. just keeps on going up up up.  The points for levels are the same for everyone, deal with it, lol.

  • xXxjasonxXx
    688 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 9:38 AM

    Got another question for all of you who require a level playing field.  In all my years of life, in all that I have experienced.  I have never yet seen, found, or expected  "a level playing field" reguardless of what it was that was at hand.  No one is ever on a level playing field.  No one can do exactly what someone else can.  You will be either worse, or better, and usally only by a small degree. 


    Now read what u just said i high lighted it in black for ya that is what u call a level playing field come on people why so much BS its simple set it all to tier take away the levels i'll say it a million times..........


    Instead of an unfair overhaul of the present system (?), I again propose that a well thoughtout handicap system be put in place, with no restrictions other than the players ability, or lack of, and appopriate tee boxes.  Green speeds should not be based on who is playing, but based on the condition of the course as it is determined by WGT,  to be posted in the lobby as the wind is now.  Then everyone can chose their own course to play based on what it is, not who it is.

    how is it unfair??? an there is already a handicap system in place for lower tiers!!!!!!!! but its not FAIR when they get legend clubs an start driving the greens an are chiping, pitching, floping or what ever for eagle on every other hole U PEOPLE NEED TO QUIT BEING SO BLIND AN LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE!!!!!!!!!! AN WHY IS IT THAT EVERY TIME THIS IS BROUGHT UP WE GET JUST A FEW OF U WHO MUST LOVE THEM SANDBAGGERS CAUSE ALL U R DOING IS TAKING THERE SIDE EVERY TIME WE SPEAK ON IT,,,,,,,,,, ITS BS MAKE'S U THINK TWICE ABOUT THE PERSON SPEAKING ON THERE BEHALF...........

  • swannyxx
    303 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 12:16 PM

    I'm a lvel 90 master.I have the R11'S and my putting still stinks.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 12:47 PM

    Fairest system I've seen so far is a system that combines levels AND tiers. As you reach higher levels, better clubs geared to each tier are opened up. Thus, you would have level 40/pro, level 40/master and level 40/legend clubs, with the legends being the best of the lot. Level 90 pro clubs would not quite be up to the level 40 masters. Level 90 masters would never quite get up to the level 40 legend clubs.

    That gives an incentive for those who are content just to play to play more. It also provides an incentive to those who wish to get access to the best equipment to improve their games. Takes care of both the recreational and the competitive players.

  • chris5214
    1,937 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 2:07 PM


    Fairest system I've seen so far is a system that combines levels AND tiers. As you reach higher levels, better clubs geared to each tier are opened up. Thus, you would have level 40/pro, level 40/master and level 40/legend clubs, with the legends being the best of the lot. Level 90 pro clubs would not quite be up to the level 40 masters. Level 90 masters would never quite get up to the level 40 legend clubs.

    That gives an incentive for those who are content just to play to play more. It also provides an incentive to those who wish to get access to the best equipment to improve their games. Takes care of both the recreational and the competitive players.

    seems like a good balance of ideas this ..

  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 2:15 PM

    I still would like to know what feedback WGT received asking that the R11s driver should be moved to a higher level.

    this thread is 99% against moving it to level 94.

    maybe i missed something.


  • navigater
    1,319 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 2:22 PM


    I still would like to know what feedback WGT received asking that the R11s driver should be moved to a higher level.

    this thread is 99% against moving it to level 94.

    maybe i missed something.


    Well. I would really like to know there thoughts to

  • TheSpaghettiKid
    424 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 3:45 PM


    I still would like to know what feedback WGT received asking that the R11s driver should be moved to a higher level.

    this thread is 99% against moving it to level 94.

    maybe i missed something.

    Yes and it is bewildering that those who have it supposedly gave feedback that it was "to good".  Yet, they get to keep theirs and the advantage that it brings.  Those with higher averages and lower levels are now kept even farther from it, further increasing the advantage those with the club enjoy.... many of whom, I presume, are the top players.

    ^^ If this is a mis-characterization of what actually transpired, I apologize in advance and welcome correction to "set the story straight".  Yes it is conjecture based on what some others have said and what was in the original WGT post ITT.  Also, I'm not suggesting the intent of anyone (those who gave the feedback) was to gain an advantage.  Unfortunately, the decision by WGT to push it up to L94 affectively does just that.


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 4:03 PM

    I agree with all those who say that access to clubs should be tier-dependent, not level-dependent.  I was lucky enough to be close to level 90 when the new driver was released and recently acquired it.  Every player who's achieved Legend should have access to this fine club.

    The difference in XP between levels 90 and 94 is astronomical.  It's unfair to bump the R11s up to 94.

    I sincerely hope the powers-that-be reconsider their decision.

  • Tightrope
    1,072 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 4:04 PM

    It is also annoying when they announce it this way and then completely ignore the 20+ page discussion it leads to.