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Club Change; Solution to the Problem

Mon, Jul 9 2012 9:43 PM (15 replies)
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  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 11:07 AM

    End this discussion. NEVER will this happen. Just saying

  • sportsrockplayer
    306 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 1:12 PM


    End this discussion. NEVER will this happen. Just saying


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 1:34 PM

    If a player has got to Legend too quickly and can't buy the best clubs then it's there own fault for camping out on the front of St Andrews and the back of Kiawah. Play all the courses and learn your trade.

    There's too many players that want to get to Legend for their own ego and then post in the forums that they can't compete. Well i've got news for you. The best equipment won't automatically make you good enough to compete at the top. You've got to be good enough yourself.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 1:49 PM

    lonnie- if you're not going to allow them in tourney play until they reach the necessary level/# of credits, why demote them in the first place? Leave them at legend with the "big dogs."  They're already not competitive. Let them be down the leader board in tourneys and play CTTH. Let them select shorter tees to play practice rounds until they have the  levels they need. While they're leveling up they can use the dreaded "free credit" system or buy the credits they need.

    I believe one of the terms is called "paying your dues."

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 9:21 PM

    OK, restrict their play, and leave them at Legend.But no more crying about unable to compete at that level, because of not having the right clubs.  This garbage of the game owes them something because they made LEGEND, is just that garbage. Anybody who plays long enough and is willing to put the time in,, will also make legend.For those of us who take our time, and put in the work, it will be just that much more sweeter when we get there.I`m only 17,438 points from lvl 90 . I dont even care about the club, already have lvl 81 G-20 and it`s good enough for the way that I play. Also have G-20 irons lvl 59, 3 Satins and a lvl55 Daytona . Yeah , I can play with the BIG BOYS any time that I want too and with out any tears. As for the sand baggers, give me a moment and I WILL HAVE SOMETHING FOR THEIR A$$E$ TOO. Happy Swingin. P.S., all clubs, were purchased with credits from doing surveys and watching videos. Not one penny out of pocket spent.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Mon, Jul 9 2012 9:43 PM

    Regarding the complaints, people are going to complain no matter how you handle the situation. They'll either complain about not being competitive or theyll complain about not being allowed to compete.

    On the way up those people can (and should be) checking the pro shop. They know what clubs are available with the levels and tiers required.

    I think the only way it will ever get resolved is if WGT decides to issue tier specific clubs at various levels. For example, have level 40/pro, level 40/master and level 40/legend clubs, with the legends being the best. Do that at intervals, with the level 90 pro clubs being just below the 40/masters and the 90/masters just under the 40/legends. That takes care of the recreational player who can still get better equipment as he plays more and the competitive player who levels up earlier with no one gaining a competitive advantage that isn't earned through their play..

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